Lootable & Usable Vanilla Static
Fallout: New VegasVanilla static are replaced with lootable & usable versions.
Vanilla static are replaced with lootable & usable versions.
Delays DLC until you meet the required level or visit the respective location.
Vanilla followers automatically go into sandboxing mode in friendly locations.
Contains header file and a database to make SKSE DLL plugins version independent easily. Unchanged reupload of meh321's files from Nexus.
Hightlights unread books, notes, and journals. SE/AE/VR DLL plugin.
TTW conversion of a mod that attempts to restore the custom signs intended for Fallout 3's pre-war military bases.
A render avatar of Hit's Gila Monster companion mod instead of a Pip-Boy style one.
Recompiled DLL with Enderal SE compatibility.
TTW Combined Bobbleheads combines the old Fallout 3 Bobblehead effects with the newer Tale of Two Wasteland effects. For those that enjoyed the old bobbleheads but still want to enjoy the new effects that TTW presents.
Revises the opening of the game, so that the player may begin as a Jedi Apprentice, in a seamless, lore-friendly manner. Removes all fourth wall breaking tutorial messages from the game. Removes all of the tutorial messages and railroading, to create a more immersive opening experience.
Mod fixes totally wrong specular lighting, and lack of muzzle flash lights on viewmodel.
Mod focused on improving various parts of game's LOD system, removing node, texture and material limits, adding animation and specular support, and fixing tree LOD.
Updates zlib to the latest version for faster loading and less stutter.
Fix for massive shaking during aiming caused by floating point precision loss.
Mod fixes totally wrong specular lighting, and lack of muzzle flash lights on viewmodel.
A simple scriptrunner that makes the three Armored Vault Jumpsuits (13, 21, 101) repairable with any non-unique Vault Jumpsuit and either common variant of Leather Armor.
.msi files that allow the restoration of the Fallout 3 UI sounds, player voice, movement animations and the loading wheel graphic for TTW.
It has been said that Implied Hypnotics Inc. worked secretly on a device able to transport you from one place to another by warping space time continuum. Is it a legend or is there some prototype somewhere in an abandoned office in Freeside? You are about to find out.