Pause On Fast Travel (NVSE)
Fallout: New VegasA simple mod that will pause the game when fast traveling.
A simple mod that will pause the game when fast traveling.
Mr. House will surrender to the NCR after destroying the Securitron Vault.
The Legion no longer wipes out the Powder Gangers at NCRCF.
Turns the escaped convicts in Vault 19 into Powder Gangers.
Allows you to convince Caesar to spare the Brotherhood of Steel.
Makes the various Strip factions friendly after completing their respective quests.
A simple mod that allows you to carry your weapons into the Strip casinos.
Join some miscellaneous factions that you can't join normally.
TTW conversion of a mod that attempts to restore the custom signs intended for Fallout 3's pre-war military bases.
A render avatar of Hit's Gila Monster companion mod instead of a Pip-Boy style one.