Vanilla Recipe Expansion for Food and Aid
Fallout: New VegasDramatically increases the recipes available for creating vanilla foods, as well as creating many recipes for inedible items such as eggs, flour, and animal hides that convert them into base game edible items.

Map Marker Reputation Fix
Fallout: New VegasGives map markers of various faction controlled locations the reputation of their respective faction.

Abandoned Safehouse
Tale of Two WastelandsAdds a player home in Springvale by the Red Rocket Pitstop.

T-60 Replacer - Hardened T-51b
Fallout 4This mod replaces the model of every T-60 power armor with T-51b and introduces my head canon that T-60 is just a hardened version of T-51b like that which is found in Fallout and Fallout 2.

Less Advanced J3X Motorcycle re-TTW'd
Tale of Two WastelandsSlight edit for consistency of a TTW conversion of a FNV conversion of a classic FO3 mod.

CACO No Health Regeneration Without Food
Skyrim Special EditionStops health regeneration until you eat something (like in Enderal).

Water Breathing Tweaks
Fallout: New VegasAdds water breathing to power armor and space helmets, tweaks Rebreather.
Stay At The System Page NG
Skyrim Special EditionStay At The System Page for Skyrim SE 1.5.x and 1.6.x.

Three Is Not A Crowd
Skyrim Special EditionSerana no longer gets weirded out if you have followers during Prophet.
Leveled Settlers And Scavengers
Fallout 4Settlers And Scavengers level with the player up to either level 20 or level 99.