Th3Overseer Mod Collection Character Kit Remake Facegen Patch
Fallout: New VegasCharacter Kit Remake facegen patch for Th3Overseer Mod Collection to keep the bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles setting at 0
Character Kit Remake facegen patch for Th3Overseer Mod Collection to keep the bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles setting at 0
Patches the USS Hoodwink for compatibility with Tale of Two Wastelands 3.3+.
A stripped down version of FPGE that doesn't alter the game's world after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam.
Merges my smaller TTW mods into a collection of miscellaneous tweaks for TTW. Also includes some new tweaks. Fully customizable using a config file.
Pick locks automatically, spending bobby pins basing on your luck and skill.
A mod that prevents you from using unique items when repairing other items with the Jury Rigging perk.
Adds Confirmed Bachelor and Cherchez La Femme options to mirror any Black Widow and Lady Killer options in Fallout 3 and its DLC, and adds new ones for the canonically gay and lesbian merchants, and an option to tell Dad.
A mashup of breastplate and leathers for female rangers with a flair for combat.
A fixed, compatible, and slightly improved version of the JSawyer. To give you mostly the intended experience of the original mod.
Contains header file and a database to make SKSE DLL plugins version independent easily. Unchanged reupload of meh321's files from Nexus.
Tweaks to items, recipes, and reorganizes the FNV crafting menu.
Restores the skylight to the Ultra-Luxe's bathhouse.
Do you ever feel like pressing control while running to slide? Me neither, but I thought it would be funny. I wish I had an animator make animations for me.
A simple mod to kill all NPCs with the press of a button.
A simple mod that prevents the Ghouls from wiping out the Tenpenny Residents.
Fixes inability to break spider webs in the werewolf form.