No Challenge Message
Fallout: New VegasDisables the challenge messages in the corner of the screen.

Custom Sleep Wait Hours
Fallout: New VegasA mod that allows you to set a custom value for sleep/waiting hours.

Yes Man Automatically Upgrades Securitron Army
Fallout: New VegasYes Man will automatically upgrade the Securitron army when his broadcasting power is upgraded.

Ghoul and Tenpenny Truce
Tale of Two WastelandsA simple mod that prevents the Ghouls from wiping out the Tenpenny Residents.

Friendly Misc Factions
Fallout: New VegasJoin some miscellaneous factions that you can't join normally.

Friendly Strip Factions
Fallout: New VegasMakes the various Strip factions friendly after completing their respective quests.

Mr. House Surrenders to the NCR
Fallout: New VegasMr. House will surrender to the NCR after destroying the Securitron Vault.

Legion and Powder Ganger Truce
Fallout: New VegasThe Legion no longer wipes out the Powder Gangers at NCRCF.

Washington's Malevolence
Fallout 3Journey to Maddox Island in the Chesapeake Bay and experience a large quest mod with its own worldspace, story, characters, locations, and events that the player is sure to never forget.