It has been said that Implied Hypnotics Inc. worked secretly on a device able to transport you from one place to another by warping space time continuum. Is it a legend or is there some prototype somewhere in an abandoned office in Freeside? You are about to find out.
A modified Mesmetron able to generate usable portals.
A super cool interior tailored by the talented AgentFuse.
An Easter egg.
Working Portals that emit light.

How does it work?
You aim to the ground, you shoot the first portal where you want to end then the second, in which you go through. Once started the cycle goes on.

Does it work from interior to exterior (and vice versa)?

Where do I find it?
A- In an abandoned Implied Hypnotics in Freeside.
It’s too vague.
Look near Cerulean Robotics

Give me a precise location.
A- You’ll find 2 pics with the location inside the archive

Base game.

NPC and Companion cannot use the portals nor will they give any attention to it.
Don’t shoot deep in the ground or in the air, the portals won’t place and work correctly.

Any mod that use or modify the bakery building in the -2 -1 cell in FreesideNorthworld.


AgentFuse for giving his time and using his talent to offer a nice little scenario, a well-crafted interior and a retexture for the gun.
Coolblack11 from whom I stole and adapted the script (Aperture Science Mojave Branch - working portal gun
Hitman47101 for his invaluable support (and cool video!).
Prensa for all the good years. I miss you.

Possible future update
Some backstory.
Optimized script.
Custom Icon
AgentFuse for giving his time and using his talent to offer a nice little scenario, a well-crafted interior and a retexture for the gun.
Coolblack11 from whom I stole and adapted the script (Aperture Science Mojave Branch - working portal gun
Hitman47101 for his invaluable support (and cool video!).
Prensa for all the good years. I miss you.