Love this mod! It's insanely helpful and actually lets me feel like I'm spending more of my time playing the game than managing my inventory.

The only issue I've run into is a possible incompatibility with certain player home mods? Still not quite clear on why it happens, but when I've enabled it in the Springvale Garage or the Vertibird Player Home - Liberty's Interior, activating some workbenches and then canceling out causes a duplicate set of all my crafting materials to be dumped into my inventory. (e.g. open the workbench with 100 scrap metal in my toolbox, cancel out, and I'll have 100 scrap metal in my inventory and 100 still in my stash). Unclear on how this happens, not sure if it's due to nonstandard crafting stations or another conflicting script or what. Oddly, never ran into this issue with the Mobile Truck Base.
1 reply, 2 total
People reported this issue before with Loot Assist doing something similar. May happen with any crafting helper basically.
1 reply
Ahh, I never use that part of Loot Assist, so I forgot it was even enabled. Disabling shared crafting in Loot Assist's INI fixed it for me. Thank you very much!