Hi, I think i has a issue and maybe this is a special-case,anyway i write a report to you.

Some time if you has facing companion and open hot-key container like bag of holding
,You will accident asign faced companion as a specialy-item container and no way to disable things.
(need disable this mod make a clean-save then re-enable it.

Must have mod for me,I will waiting a update if you done :3
1 reply, 3 total
It's not possible to make a companion a special container in normal circumstances, the menu appears only on containers. I don't know how to reproduce your issue.
1 reply, 2 total
Thanks for reply,So i'm said this maybe a special case, i'm using bag of holding to produce this issue . This mod allow you open container everywhere just by push a key asign in MCM.

1.You are in home area and registed random container into a master.
2.Facing companion and open container by push a hot-key asigned by bag of holding( or other similar mod).
3.Your companion(with his/her equip) turn into a special container manage by Stash Organizer.

New update:

It will happening without any hotkey container mod too.

1.Just open a container near by NPC walking come closer to container.
2.Close the menu, If NPC walking come overlap your reticle on same time, It happening.

This will happening specialy using some interect animation mod like B42 interect .
On interect mod activate the container will play a short animation before open the menu. It will cost a little-bit timelag to give a chance for NPC come overlap your reticle to produce issue.
1 reply
With the updated info, I see now how it happens. Thanks for the report.
This is an amazing mod that makes the game sooo much less cumbersome. I'm having an issue with the "Unburden  Me" option not removing items that I selected to always be sorted into a certain container. For some reason Sunset Sarsaparilla won't sort into the Food category automatically or when I select it to always be sorted into the container. I'm using the Universal Item Sorter mod to rename items so they're easier to identify in the inventory, so maybe that's why? Most other items are sorting properly though.

Edit: Removed the Universal Sorting mod and still have trouble sorting Sunset Sarsaparilla and Nuka Cola. Hmm.
1 reply
Item names do not affect sorting in Stash Organizer.
It sorts items using their internal attributes and effects. An item is classified as a food or drink item, when it satiates or hydrates you. In vanilla game, Nuka Cola and Sunset Sarsaparilla do not have any of those effects, and therefore their use gets classified as Chem. They look like a duck but they don't quack like a duck.

Your options are:
- Add Nuka Cola and Sunset Sarsaparilla to the Always Remove list.
- Enable Chem sorting.
- Use JSawyer's mod, any of its derivatives, or any mod fixing these drinks from damaging hydration to restoring it.
Hello -- I asked this comment on the original website for this mod, but didn't get back to it or don't remember what the answer was. Do container references from ESMs need to be marked as persistent to work as expected with this mod?
1 reply, 2 total
No changes are required from your side.
1 reply
After Unburdening my Kinetic Accelerator was gone.. bug?
1 reply, 3 total
No, you are the first person with this issue. With default settings, it should be in your master container.
2 replies
Jesus, sry my fault - it was still in MISC inventory tab (trash ySI icon) - no bug (always to keep on)
OK - I set categories to remove - Misc ON - so since implants are in MISC category, they get removed, I put my implants to always keep list and they now remain in my inventory after unburdening..
Could you maybe implement a sub-category for implants? Would be cool, else there's my workaround anyway..
Man this mod totally changed how I manage my stash, ty so much
Amazing mod - thanks a ton!

I found an isse for at least 2 items.
Currency (prewar money etc) and Skill Magazines always get moved to master/slave when unburdening when these items are in "Keep all" list. When i put them in "Keep quotas" the set amount remains.
1 reply, 2 total
Yes, it's a known issue, will be fixed in the next version. For now, you can use category filters. Go to Configure -> Categories to remove -> uncheck "Magazines" and "Money".
1 reply
Great - that works. thanks :)