What scope mod are you using? The frame is just black in vanilla https://i.imgur.com/x9SxVGw.png
1 reply, 6 total
Hello, thanks for answering! As I mentioned, I'm using B42 Optics for scopes. Is that not a compatible mod?

Here are a couple of screenshots to exemplify what I mean in the previous comment.
1 reply, 5 total
Yeah, sorry, missed that. It is possible to remove glowing from player when aiming, and this wouldn't even affect vanilla scoping. I'll add it in the next update.
3 replies, 4 total
Sounds amazing! I'll stand by for the next update then ^^

Thanks for creating a great mod and for your time helping me!
A bit more info after paying a bit more attention, observing there is a golden-yellow semi-transparent overlay texture overlapped to all characters including NPC's when thermal is turned on / off. Almost like a "highlight" effect. I reckon it might have to do with how the whole player and gun are one big glowing chunk?


Cheers, have a nice day!
Hi there! Hope you're doing well!

Just curious, I'm combing through my mod list in MO2 to update / refresh and remembered about this. Any wild guess at an ETA for next update?
1 reply
Published the update.