Got the same issue as blazingwolffang and replacing the .dll files didn't help. The game was still crashing whenever the first acquired implant was bought from a store.

However, if said first implant was gotten as a world object (like the one from Doc Mitchell's house), the note was added with no issues and there was no crash.
1 reply, 2 total
Iirc there was also an issue with the "Hide Equipped Items in Barter" Stewie's Tweak, try to disable that.

Cyberware cannot cause a crash, because it's an OBScript mod, it simply does not work on a level sufficient for that. It's always an issue either in the engine, or in a DLL mod.
1 reply
Just checked, that one setting was already disabled. In the meantime, finding an implant in the world will be my workaround. But I appreciate the suggestion.