TexGenx64 shows me the error 'Error: File not found textures\enderal\landscape\ground_wet_sand01_n_dxt1.dds.' in the 2.1.3
1 reply, 7 total
You are missing a DynDOLOD requirement, which fixes this issue.

Fyi, there is no urgent need to generate LOD in Enderal SE, LOD generated with DynDOLOD with medium settings is already included.
1 reply, 6 total
DynDOLOD Resources SE 3 is already installed in its latest version along with DynDOLOD DLL SE.
3 replies, 5 total
I see, the file ground_wet_sand01_n_dxt1.dds is actually present in Enderal, DynDOLOD just does not see it.
If you run it in Enderal mode, switch to Skyrim mode, it probably tries to read EnderalPrefs.ini, which isn't used by the base mod.
Oh wait, TexGen does not load mod INIs at all, you need to mirror the [Archive] section from Enderal - Forgotten Stories.ini into Skyrim.ini.
1 reply, 2 total
It will show an error "Error: Found stitched object LOD textures from earlier TexGen generation installed in game folder. It is recommended to uninstall all stitched object LOD textures generated earlier before generating new stitched object LOD textures."
This is a reaction to the included LOD, press Ignore.
I just ran it, finished successfully.
1 reply
It works, love you dude, thanks.
I just went through the whole process and compiled a list of hints you need to know using DynDOLOD https://mod.pub/enderal-se/38/docs/26-how-to-use-dyndolod-with-enderal-se
I can't download 2.0.11 as no one is seeding the torrent..

Is there some other way to get it?
1 reply
I uploaded it to the Files section.
Updated the web installer, now enables DPI awareness for SkyrimSE.exe, writes screen resolution into SkyrimPrefs.ini, and adds display settings shortcuts.
Just downloaded, and I'm running into a slight issue. The display resolution is unusually large. Almost half my screen is missing in Enderal, even though the resolution is just fine in Skyrim. I can't find anything in options to fix it, which makes me worried that portion is cut out. Please advise.
1 reply, 3 total
- Launch Skyrim Launcher from MO2 (Start Menu -> Enderal SE -> Manage mods) and check if your resolution is correct.
- Install DPI Scaling Fix.
1 reply, 2 total
I launched the game from MO2, resolution was still too large. I downloaded DPI Scaling Fix, put it in C:\Games\Enderal SE\Game\Data\SKSE\Plugins and it was still the same when I loaded up Enderal with MO2. Did I put it in the wrong folder? or do I need to do something else after putting it in the folder?
1 reply
Figured it out, I had to locate/uncheck the "Use profile specific INI files" box.
crouch button and changing the view for controller gameplay doesnt work. tried switching out controllers but still unresponsive.
1 reply
Not an Enderal issue, look for a solution for Skyrim.
Hello! Enderal and SKSE both ship with a "game.pex" file, which one should I use?

Thank you for continuing to support this game!
1 reply
Game.pex used to contain the function unlocking Enderal's Steam achievements. In 2.0.12, I moved it to a dedicated script because users sometimes installed SKSE on top of Enderal, breaking achievements. Enderal no longer calls Game.pex for achievements, but some older mods may still do this, so I still ship it with UnlockAchievement just in case.

In other words, if you play vanilla - it doesn't matter, if you play with mods on Steam - use Game.pex from Enderal.
Please allow me to extend my highest respect to you, you are the true modder
1 reply
Greyed out dialogue becomes white after starting up the game again
I have a problem after turning off the game the dialogues do not save and are white for example in the bank after un-clicking his comment about creating an account it appears again after turning off the game.
Okay so Ive been playing today for about 3 hours, then when I use a teleport scroll (Fully charged it too, always waiting a good 10 seconds just to be sure), I am stuck like a good 10 minutes. Sure I had other stuff to do that the 10 minutes passed by, im just stuck unable to move or open any tab, except the main menu tab oddly enough. I had to load from the save that I saved yesterday that had teleport scrolls working so that it works. There is some sort of spaghetti code in the teleport that fries between after casting the spell and me going into the normal teleport animation that buffers it to eternity. Hope someone finds the spaghetti and eat-uhh fix it. Imma rebuild those 3 hours of gaming with careful saving.
Hello there c:

I'm very much enjoying Enderal SE, but I encountered a minor bug I'd like to report. In the Capital City at the merchant district one of the shops seams to stay locked even tho it's day time. I tried the usual - sleeping in game, reloading saves, restarting the game - nothing seems to change the status of the shop's door

Link to save file and screenshots archive:

I'm playing the Polish translation, unmoded. through steam launcher

Thank you in advance and great work for making such a wonderful experience!
1 reply, 2 total
Several NPCs got stuck in the Nobles Quarter, one of them is the owner of this place, so there is no one to unlock the door. Go there by foot, loading into the Nobles Quarter seems to resolve this issue. You will need to wait until Edmund reaches his shop.
1 reply
Thank you for the quick reply, all is good now c: