Enderal SE
If I change audio source/disconnect my wireless BT headset (Sony WH-XB910N) while in the game the whole computer freezes. The screen gets black and I can't tab out or access anything else. No problem with tabbing out otherwise. All my saves have the same problem. The only solution I've found is to do a manual reboot of the computer.
Also, the Steam overlay doesn't work.
I play from Steam on Windows 10 and have no mods installed.
Also, the Steam overlay doesn't work.
I play from Steam on Windows 10 and have no mods installed.
2 replies
💬 192
▣ 34
⇄ 3
1 April 2024, 19:42
I discontinued the Steam release in 2022 and no longer can provide support for it. Please, redirect your question to SureAI's Discord or Reddit.
💬 2
⇄ 1
7 February 2025, 07:12
I encountered the same freeze on the latest standalone release. Disconnecting my headset occasionally (not reliably) will lead to a total computer freeze.
I'm trying to run Dyndolod and I get the following "File Not Found Textures": I can't find them anywhere online or locally.
Warning: File not found textures\dungeons\ships\shipwood02_lod_n.dds. Used by meshes\enderal\forgottenstories\miscellaneous\shipwreck_lod.nif Enderal - Forgotten Stories.esm _00E_FS_MorningDew_Wreck [STAT:0502E23B]
Warning: File not found textures\enderal\landscape\trees\nico\heartland bush\heartlandbushleaves.dds
textures\. Used by meshes\dyndolod\lod\trees\heartlandbush02_b6e0f000passthru_lod.nif Skyrim.esm _00E_HeartlandBushN02 [TREE:0008A231]
Warning: File not found textures\enderal\landscape\trees\nico\nehrimeseaspensuncoast.dds
textures\. Used by Meshes\enderal\landscape\trees\nico\nehrimeseaspen03suncoast.nif Skyrim.esm _00E_Nehrimese_AspenSuncoast03 [TREE:000A588D]
Hi, can I made Steam to run Enderal SE instance? Because now it shows Skyrim SE info in overlay, also count it's timer, I want to run Enderal only
1 reply
Yes, scroll down in the Files section. Like I mentioned in installation instructions, Steam integration is currently broken on 1.6.1170. Either downgrade to 1.6.1130 or lower, or patch your SkyrimSE.exe with Steamless.
Borderless Fullscreen ABSOLUTELY does not work
2 replies, 3 total
my mouse is stuck on only 1 screen
1 reply
and if it cannot be done then there will be problems
It can be disabled in SKSE\Plugins\EnderalSE.ini
ForceBorderless = false
ForceBorderless = false
I'm having issues re-entering the Keep area of Castle Golden Ford, I've attempted many times through multiple doors and get an instant crash to desktop on using the door.
I cleared the Castle a while ago except for Dohra Dal'Goldenford and the two Awoken Lost Ones near her as I couldn't beat her. These are the first crashes I've experienced so far in the game, and it only happens on entering the Keep area (based on testing so far).
I'm not running any mods and have tried verifying the integrity of my game files on Steam, still getting crashes.
I own SSE on Steam and am running Enderal v2.0.12.4 on Steam, save files are located here.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
I'm having issues re-entering the Keep area of Castle Golden Ford, I've attempted many times through multiple doors and get an instant crash to desktop on using the door.
I cleared the Castle a while ago except for Dohra Dal'Goldenford and the two Awoken Lost Ones near her as I couldn't beat her. These are the first crashes I've experienced so far in the game, and it only happens on entering the Keep area (based on testing so far).
I'm not running any mods and have tried verifying the integrity of my game files on Steam, still getting crashes.
I own SSE on Steam and am running Enderal v2.0.12.4 on Steam, save files are located here.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
1 reply, 2 total
Try installing powerofthree's Tweaks for the light attach crash fix (this fix is included since 2.1.2).
1 reply
This worked, thanks so much!
Very new to this and had to use the SE version of the mod rather than the AE version, just in case anyone else is having this issue with the steam version!
Very new to this and had to use the SE version of the mod rather than the AE version, just in case anyone else is having this issue with the steam version!
i'm trying to get my ps4 controller to pair and work on the enderal se pc version, it is on and works on my skyrim se, but it is not on enderal. is there any reason for this?
1 reply, 2 total
1 reply
What is a "pc version"? Enderal is a mod and has nothing to do with your controller.
Read the pinned post.
Read the pinned post.
Why I feel the movement keys have lag?
1 reply
This may happen when Skyrim runs in windowed borderless mode. Install SSE Display Tweaks.
I use web installer but got 300KB/S download speed.
Hey, I feel pretty dumb trying to get this to work. To preface I am new to using MO2, using the web installer and following the instructions for it haven't quite worked for me.
All went well until trying to launch, where I get errors saying E-Misc.bsa, E-Sounds.bsa, E-Textures2.bsa, and E-Update.bsa are not loaded. Looking in MO2 I can see that said files don't have a check mark next to them, them and all the other checkmarked skyrim textures above them in the same list are greyed out and listed as unmanaged. Any advice to help solve my probably simple issue would be very cool.
All went well until trying to launch, where I get errors saying E-Misc.bsa, E-Sounds.bsa, E-Textures2.bsa, and E-Update.bsa are not loaded. Looking in MO2 I can see that said files don't have a check mark next to them, them and all the other checkmarked skyrim textures above them in the same list are greyed out and listed as unmanaged. Any advice to help solve my probably simple issue would be very cool.
1 reply, 4 total
Make sure 'Enderal - Forgotten Stories.esm' in enabled on the right side.
When enabled, it automatically loads 'Enderal - Forgotten Stories.ini', which in its turn loads all the BSA archives Enderal needs.
Also check if these archives are indeed present in Enderal SE\Game\Data. If they are not, run the installer again.
When enabled, it automatically loads 'Enderal - Forgotten Stories.ini', which in its turn loads all the BSA archives Enderal needs.
Also check if these archives are indeed present in Enderal SE\Game\Data. If they are not, run the installer again.
1 reply, 3 total
Thanks for the attempted help, so the files are there in the data folder, I've right click and enabled the esm on the right side, but that didn't do anything for the bsa files, they've stayed unchecked like there. I haven't changed anything besides enabling that from what was automatically set up on the portable instance that was created from running the installer. Trying to launch it still says that they are unloaded.
Thanks for the attempted help, so the files are there in the data folder, I've right click and enabled the esm on the right side, but that didn't do anything for the bsa files, they've stayed unchecked like there. I haven't changed anything besides enabling that from what was automatically set up on the portable instance that was created from running the installer. Trying to launch it still says that they are unloaded.
1 reply, 2 total
This has nothing to do with these checkboxes, you can ignore them. You _are_ missing important BSA archives, re-run the installer.
I think your Windows firewall might have blocked the installer from downloading those files.
You must have these files in your directory:
E - Meshes.bsa
E - Misc.bsa
E - Sounds.bsa
E - Textures1.bsa
E - Textures2.bsa
E - Update.bsa
L - Voices.bsa
I think your Windows firewall might have blocked the installer from downloading those files.
You must have these files in your directory:
E - Meshes.bsa
E - Misc.bsa
E - Sounds.bsa
E - Textures1.bsa
E - Textures2.bsa
E - Update.bsa
L - Voices.bsa
1 reply
That solved it, everything downloaded right and it works now, firewall had been blocking the installer from working right. Thanks for being patient and the help.
内部错误0x01:在 D:\enderal se\game\steam_emu.ini 中找不到 Ini 文件
1 reply
a) Please, write in English.
b) Pirated games are not supported.
b) Pirated games are not supported.
If you prefer Discord, join us here.
Supported Skyrim SE versions: 1.5.97, 1.6.640-1.6.1179 (Steam or GOG).
Enderal SE 2.1 introduces many changes, breaking backward compatibility with some mods. The last 2.0 build can be downloaded from the 'Old Files' section.
The Steam release is based on a version of this mod released in 2022, which is too old to provide support for. I can look into gameplay issues with Enderal itself (it is possible your issue is already fixed by now), but with any Skyrim, SkyUI, Steam, or hardware related issues please seek community support. I understand you may perceive Enderal as a standalone game, but it's still a mod installed on Skyrim SE and those issues lay beyond Enderal's scope. Also see recommended updates for version (Steam/GOG).