Friendly Strip Factions
Fallout: New VegasMakes the various Strip factions friendly after completing their respective quests.
Carry Your Weapons Into Casinos
Fallout: New VegasA simple mod that allows you to carry your weapons into the Strip casinos.
Friendly Misc Factions
Fallout: New VegasJoin some miscellaneous factions that you can't join normally.
A Very Uncreative Collection of Mod Patches
Fallout: New VegasJust a collection of compatibility patches for whatever mods I feel like patching.
FPGE Compatibility Template
Fallout: New VegasA simple skeleton script for mods to add FPGE support.
Goodsprings and Powder Gangers Truce
Fallout: New VegasConvince Joe Cobb to leave Goodsprings alone.
Unique Item Jury Rigging Protector
Fallout: New VegasA mod that prevents you from using unique items when repairing other items with the Jury Rigging perk.
Unique Items Keyword List
Fallout: New VegasA pre-made KEYWORDS file with every unique item in New Vegas, Tale of Two Wastelands, The Frontier, and Someguy Series.
Unique Item Barter Protector
Fallout: New VegasPrevents you from accidentally selling unique items.
Lootable Safehouse Keys
Fallout: New VegasNPCs who give you keys to faction safehouses will now have them added to their inventories upon their deaths.
Brotherhood and House Truce
Fallout: New VegasAllows you to convince Mr. House to spare the Brotherhood of Steel.