USS Hoodwink TTW 3.3+ Patch
Patches the USS Hoodwink for compatibility with Tale of Two Wastelands 3.3+.
Patches the USS Hoodwink for compatibility with Tale of Two Wastelands 3.3+.
- Properly sets necessary global variables.
- The USS is always enabled in both wastelands.
- Works with both versions, with and without Sortomatic (I recommend Stash Organizer instead).
- Snowglobe collecting no longer interferes with vanilla scripts. The snowglobe stand automatically synchronizes with the main one in Lucky 38. (Reverted snowglobe records are intentional!)
- The Boobleheads stand is no longer exclusive to the USS. Synchronization works the same way as with Megaton and Tenpenny Tower, simply activate bobblehead stands to synchronize displays.
- Includes the TTW 3.3 fix for Hardcore Mode, stopping primary needs from progressing during travel.
- Map marker in Mojave is now visible by default (logically, you know where it is). You still have to find the DC location by yourself.
- Fixes display of the Survival bobblehead.
USS Hoodwink: Casputin
TTW 3.2 support: Zenreich
TTW 3.3 support: Eddoursul
TTW 3.2 support: Zenreich
TTW 3.3 support: Eddoursul