Th3Overseer Mod Collection
I'm confused, is this an add on with new story lines to complete after beating the original game? Or is this a texture overhaul/glitches/bug fix mod?
1 reply, 2 total
Can I use this with TTW?
Please release a Merged version.
1 reply
yes pls.
Is this compatible with FPGE and/or NVB1 and New Vegas Killer?
I know i read in the past that the older versions had some issues with FPGE at least (can't find the post anymore that mentioned it).
I know i read in the past that the older versions had some issues with FPGE at least (can't find the post anymore that mentioned it).
dude,you are amazing to remove all that bloat plus bug fixes!!
Th3Overseer made the right call to entrust you with his mods.
Th3Overseer made the right call to entrust you with his mods.
I'm running into an issue at the Mojave Outpost. I haven't started The Initiation yet, but the Unfunny Retard from Eliza is following me non-stop and he only has generic lines when I try to talk to him. How am I supposed to get rid of him? Or am I missing something?
I experienced two dialogue bugs in Depth of Depravity using this version. The first was a bug was during "The Low, Sad Moan of Prey" when after you speak top the reverend and told to investigate further into Stan Gold, the woman at the frost reception desk doesn't have any dialogue to advance the quest. I tried several save point reloads and a few hours of troubleshooting but came up with no solution. I had to use setstage to move onto the next part to talk to the archivist.
The second one is during Happy To Be Here, where at the end you need to return to O'Neil to let him know what happened to his neice. When arriving there was no dialogue available for him other than "Goodbye" Once again, sadly having to set stage in order to complete this quest while missing out on his final dialogue. :/
The second one is during Happy To Be Here, where at the end you need to return to O'Neil to let him know what happened to his neice. When arriving there was no dialogue available for him other than "Goodbye" Once again, sadly having to set stage in order to complete this quest while missing out on his final dialogue. :/
What happened to the old file?
Is this compatible with A World Of (less) Pain and or MoreMojave.
2 replies, 3 total
There is only one incompatibility I'm aware of:
the entrance for New Rockwell is totally covered by a NCR's bunker entrance from AWOP(Less).
I needed to "tcl" to reach the mine door for the city.
Once discovered, indeed, the map marker allows the player to fast travel here and there.
the entrance for New Rockwell is totally covered by a NCR's bunker entrance from AWOP(Less).
I needed to "tcl" to reach the mine door for the city.
Once discovered, indeed, the map marker allows the player to fast travel here and there.
1 reply
For Eliza in particular, see patches at
A World of (Less) Pain Patch for Use with Eliza by th3Overseer
MoreMojave Eliza Red Rock Canyon patch
More Mojave - Eliza (Spring Mt. Ranch State Park) Landscape Fix
piber's patch and micro mod hell (fnvttw) / eliza enhanced landscapes nvlo reremastered
, if those they still work with this version.
A World of (Less) Pain Patch for Use with Eliza by th3Overseer
MoreMojave Eliza Red Rock Canyon patch
More Mojave - Eliza (Spring Mt. Ranch State Park) Landscape Fix
piber's patch and micro mod hell (fnvttw) / eliza enhanced landscapes nvlo reremastered
, if those they still work with this version.
The High Desert is incompatible with MoreMojave.
Maybe I'm wrong but it seems that "Depths of Depravity" is not compatible with FPGE.
In fact, after the second battle for Hoover Dam, Charlie disappears forever and trying to "moveto" her to player leads to nothing.(*)
In the meantime her quest about headhunting is still running and working (with rewards even if Charlie is not present) as the safehouse is still in place and accessible.
The killers sent by Burke disappeared too.
*) I just discovered that I can use the console to "enable" her again, so then she is available as companion. Of course she has none of dialogue about a free and indipendente New Vegas or anything that involves a "post end" game.
In fact, after the second battle for Hoover Dam, Charlie disappears forever and trying to "moveto" her to player leads to nothing.(*)
In the meantime her quest about headhunting is still running and working (with rewards even if Charlie is not present) as the safehouse is still in place and accessible.
The killers sent by Burke disappeared too.
*) I just discovered that I can use the console to "enable" her again, so then she is available as companion. Of course she has none of dialogue about a free and indipendente New Vegas or anything that involves a "post end" game.
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