Stash Organizer
Hi, I think i has a issue and maybe this is a special-case,anyway i write a report to you.
Some time if you has facing companion and open hot-key container like bag of holding
,You will accident asign faced companion as a specialy-item container and no way to disable things.
(need disable this mod make a clean-save then re-enable it.
Must have mod for me,I will waiting a update if you done :3
Some time if you has facing companion and open hot-key container like bag of holding
,You will accident asign faced companion as a specialy-item container and no way to disable things.
(need disable this mod make a clean-save then re-enable it.
Must have mod for me,I will waiting a update if you done :3
1 reply, 2 total
1.You are in home area and registed random container into a master.
2.Facing companion and open container by push a hot-key asigned by bag of holding( or other similar mod).
3.Your companion(with his/her equip) turn into a special container manage by Stash Organizer.
New update:
It will happening without any hotkey container mod too.
1.Just open a container near by NPC walking come closer to container.
2.Close the menu, If NPC walking come overlap your reticle on same time, It happening.
This will happening specialy using some interect animation mod like B42 interect .
On interect mod activate the container will play a short animation before open the menu. It will cost a little-bit timelag to give a chance for NPC come overlap your reticle to produce issue.
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