i cant seem to make the mod to start... i cant find the books and implants.. where can i find exact place books or implants?
Thanks a lot for the mod, I'm playing TTW and so far I'm 40 hours in in the DC an had no issues besides limb regen mod stopping working after Point Lookout for some reason (fixed it by removing it, saving, relaunching the game, then installing it again). I agree with one of the commenters however, I'd love to have either some sort or randomness in implant choice (when you have to loot them from high-level enemies for example) or even having all buyable implants—especially +stat implants—scattered all over the map, the TTW esp doesn't really go far enough to distribute them in the DC in my opinion.
this is not a smart question I know, but: would this cause problems if I install it during a playthrough? I'm currently 35 hours in but I just came across this mod and I'm enchanted by it. I'm probably going to make a "clean" save then install it and play for a few hours to see if anything seems messed up. I know it's usually not good to install mods mid-game, but I don't wanna wait for next time to turn myself into a cyborg
1 reply
In case anyone else had the same question: It installed perfectly cleanly, even took off the implants I'd already bought from the medical clinic and put them in my inventory. Close to 190 hours on this save file now and not a care in the world
Pardon me but I've looked through the description, the data sheet, the comments, the PN description, and the PN datasheet and haven't seen any mention of what changes if any were made to Implant Y-3. I'd check the PN comments on Nexus but they number in the thousands and even with the search feature I shudder at the potential volume. The reason I'm looking for this information is because I'm wondering if installing Piber's mod would be redundant and the reason I'm making a comment here instead of looking in xEdit myself is because I'm in the middle of putting together my modlist (building of VNV naturally) and haven't gotten this mod installed just yet. Thank you in advance if you take the time to reply.
1 reply, 2 total
Cyberware reimplements Y3 functionality to use the NVSE event manager without changing how it works (undoes radiation damage).
Piber's mod removes the vanilla effect before it applies.

Both methods will fire together because my new implementation is instant, and Piber's mod won't be able to fire before Cyberware like it does with vanilla.

As a result, Y3 will start removing radiation damage when taking it instead of merely negating it. So basically, consumables would start acting like Radaway.
I did not test it in practice, just looked over what the scripts do.
1 reply
That sounds broken in a fun way. Thanks for the reply.
This is one of my most favorite mods ever, thank you!!!
I waited a week in-game, tried quicksave/quickload before and after, restarted the game several times, but implant GRX still just won't refresh for some reason. Any ideas how to fix it?
1 reply, 3 total
Open xEdit and see what mod overrides NVDLC03GenericPerkQUEST.
1 reply, 2 total
I don't know how anyone can understand xEdit because I got absolutely nowhere after 4 hours...
1 reply
Still doesn't refresh after uninstalling every other mod (besides dependencies) and making a new character. lol, lmao even.

Naturally, I change absolutely nothing and it magically starts working after posting this. 🗿
The Cyberwear menu shows the wrong Implants when installing and uninstalling them for me.
Any ideas why?
1 reply, 4 total
No idea, you are the first person with this issue.
1 reply, 3 total
After some testing they still install the correct implant but in the menus when adding or removing them its always wrong.
no clue why it would be doing this as nothing I have installed conflicts with anything from this mod
1 reply, 2 total
Are you using a controller?
1 reply
No, controller is not even blugged in.
Tested on a new save and its fine on a Fresh save with the same mod setup.
My game crash when i mark "I dream of electric sheep" on the pipboy, pls help
1 reply, 3 total
Disable other mods until you find a culprit.
1 reply, 2 total
install all patches, use manager and did manually but nothing works
1 reply
And none of this does what I suggested.
Night Vision has suddenly started just being...black. The other two vision options work, just not that one. Any known culprits that can cause this?
1 reply
Night vision uses the vanilla Cat Eye visual effect. Open xEdit and check what mod edits CatEyeISFX (7EA1A).