having trouble getting the b42 quick throw patch to work any advise would be appreciated :)
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The patch removes cyberware implants from B42 Quickthrow.
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oh okay thanks for letting me know
There is a conflict with YUP where the dialogue with Doctor Usanagi is simply deleted in Cyberware 2281 version 1.4.0 (shown in FNVEdit). The two form ID's are 00164AFF and 00164B02. Are these safe to ignore?
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Okie dokie, thank you for the confirmation
i had this error where i can have Optics Enhancer embedded without having to pay for surgery (accessing Nevada's UI).
but the moment i installed other implants on the head, the optics enhancer suddenly disappeared.
Any way to get the old EM vision (the way it worked in PN) back with optical implant? Can't find when all NPC highlight was removed and can't bruteforce check, sicne older versions aren't listed in downloads section.
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What's the best way to go about uninstalling Cyberware? Would I just do a normal uninstall or is there more to it?
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a) You should not remove ESP/ESM mods mid-game, your save will be broken.
b) It's a regular mod, just delete it from your mod manager.
I've been unable to get the bionic eyes implant to function, sadly. Regardless of whichever hotkey I choose for it, it simply fails to respond and change vision mode, as if I pressed the wrong key entirely. Has anyone else had this issue?
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If you have Simple Night Vision installed, it overrides Cyberware by default, check in its INI settings.
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I do not have Simple Night Vision installed.
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I'm out of ideas then. Try disabling mods in batches to find which one causes this.
Is there any shortcut to just see the interface with the currently installed implants? I know I can check in the perks list, but it would be easier to check them like this.
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Hey I have a suggestion! Would it be possible if you make the implants implemented (pun intended) into random loot or deceased NPCs? Instead of a stealthboy or an energy weapon, you'd see a random implant. Maybe in a locked safe?
I can't help myself by going to the exact same locations to grab the implants I want; I'd like a bit of randomness to my playthroughs.
If not, is there a way to do this in xEdit? Thanks Eddoursul!
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> I'd like a bit of randomness to my playthroughs
I agree, I am thinking how to address this too. For example, I could randomize implant locations, or add the implants to bosses and other notable NPCs.

To drop implants as random loot, you'd need to lower their prices considerably. It's doable in xEdit, add MISC items from the mod to containers and/or leveled lists. Although this may be easier to do in the GECK with drag and drop.
Hello author!
Thanks for your mod, it's very interesting.

Please tell me I encountered one conflict when using the mod. I'm absolutely sure that the problem is specifically with your mod.

When I activate your mod, the Cannibalism perk stops working. In stealth mode, if you try to eat a corpse, nothing happens. I tried disabling your mod and the Cannibalism perk immediately works as it should.

Can you tell me what the problem is?
1 reply, 3 total
New version of JIP LN (57.30) breaks this perk.
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Got it, thank you very much for your answer.

Please tell me, are there any plans to add tracked implants to the list of tasks?

I understand that there is an Excel file where all the implants are located, but first of all, sitting and playing and looking at the Excel file is like nothing, and secondly, I’m worried that I might not notice something and just overlook it. I understand that implants are small white boxes, but even so they can simply not be noticed.

Well, or adding a special merchant who will sell all these implants?
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No such plans, buying all the implants in one place is no fun. Feel free to make a patch adding the implants to a merchant.
Is it possible to slightly modify the values of any of the implants, like the duration of the stealth field or the velocity of recharge?
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Everything is modifiable, it's a mod. Open the mod in xEdit to see what's inside. I answered how to modify stealth field duration here, for example.