Any way to get the old EM vision (the way it worked in PN) back with optical implant? Can't find when all NPC highlight was removed and can't bruteforce check, sicne older versions aren't listed in downloads section.
1 reply
What's the best way to go about uninstalling Cyberware? Would I just do a normal uninstall or is there more to it?
1 reply
a) You should not remove ESP/ESM mods mid-game, your save will be broken.
b) It's a regular mod, just delete it from your mod manager.
I've been unable to get the bionic eyes implant to function, sadly. Regardless of whichever hotkey I choose for it, it simply fails to respond and change vision mode, as if I pressed the wrong key entirely. Has anyone else had this issue?
1 reply, 3 total
If you have Simple Night Vision installed, it overrides Cyberware by default, check in its INI settings.
1 reply, 2 total
I do not have Simple Night Vision installed.
1 reply
I'm out of ideas then. Try disabling mods in batches to find which one causes this.
Is there any shortcut to just see the interface with the currently installed implants? I know I can check in the perks list, but it would be easier to check them like this.
1 reply
Hey I have a suggestion! Would it be possible if you make the implants implemented (pun intended) into random loot or deceased NPCs? Instead of a stealthboy or an energy weapon, you'd see a random implant. Maybe in a locked safe?
I can't help myself by going to the exact same locations to grab the implants I want; I'd like a bit of randomness to my playthroughs.
If not, is there a way to do this in xEdit? Thanks Eddoursul!
1 reply
> I'd like a bit of randomness to my playthroughs
I agree, I am thinking how to address this too. For example, I could randomize implant locations, or add the implants to bosses and other notable NPCs.

To drop implants as random loot, you'd need to lower their prices considerably. It's doable in xEdit, add MISC items from the mod to containers and/or leveled lists. Although this may be easier to do in the GECK with drag and drop.
Hello author!
Thanks for your mod, it's very interesting.

Please tell me I encountered one conflict when using the mod. I'm absolutely sure that the problem is specifically with your mod.

When I activate your mod, the Cannibalism perk stops working. In stealth mode, if you try to eat a corpse, nothing happens. I tried disabling your mod and the Cannibalism perk immediately works as it should.

Can you tell me what the problem is?
1 reply, 3 total
New version of JIP LN (57.30) breaks this perk.
1 reply, 2 total
Got it, thank you very much for your answer.

Please tell me, are there any plans to add tracked implants to the list of tasks?

I understand that there is an Excel file where all the implants are located, but first of all, sitting and playing and looking at the Excel file is like nothing, and secondly, I’m worried that I might not notice something and just overlook it. I understand that implants are small white boxes, but even so they can simply not be noticed.

Well, or adding a special merchant who will sell all these implants?
1 reply
No such plans, buying all the implants in one place is no fun. Feel free to make a patch adding the implants to a merchant.
Is it possible to slightly modify the values of any of the implants, like the duration of the stealth field or the velocity of recharge?
1 reply
Everything is modifiable, it's a mod. Open the mod in xEdit to see what's inside. I answered how to modify stealth field duration here, for example.
Thank you for maintaining this great mod. I have a small issue though. Stealth Nano Implants don't seem to be working... Should there be any visual effect when crouching? Because there isn't, and neither a HUD indicator (although I use a modded HUD). Should I use any key to activate it?
Thank you!
1 reply, 2 total
Are you using a controller? In 1.4.0 it's activateable by pressing Grab when crouching, this may change in the next patch (discussion thread).
If not, then yes, there is a hotkey, X by default, changeable in the MCM panel.
There is no HUD for it, only a visual effect, because of technical obstacles I had when was making the standalone. It's doable now, though.
1 reply
Thank you so much!
How do you change the usepower input for controller? Found the script for it but can't find which controller input correlates to which value. All I can assume is that 27 is the value for what is by default the grab key, but is the sprint/hold breath key in my setup.
1 reply, 7 total
A controller does not have enough buttons to support all the mods you would use.
I bound Cyberware to the Grab control because it is the only option not severely affecting gameplay. You use it for sprint for the same reason.
If you know how to make multiple mods co-exist on a standard Xbox controller, do share.

UPD: I have an idea to toggle vision modes only when aiming.
1 reply, 6 total
I do agree that the standard controller does not have enough keys, or at least enough bindable keys, given that the dpad (with context for hotkeys or changing ammo) buttons cannot be reassigned.
I'm mostly trying to rebind or unbind the controller hotkey input so that the sprint mod works again, while keeping the menu gamepad support from the update.

I could also downgrade to an old version, or go fiddling with the scripts until I find a means of unbinding or rebinding the key, if that works better.

As for making the mods co-exist, generally standard controller input settings (some of which allow unbinding) have allowed me to use a handful of mods with a controller. There's also context dependency, that being that the grab function only works when I have something to grab, hold breath only functions when I'm aiming, and sprint only functions when I'm moving -- while the inputs overlap, they don't conflict or bug out. Though I'm not that experienced with mod creation, and do not know the details of implementing any of that. Just shared because asked to.

UPD: Was going off the old edit. Aiming context would likely break hold breath. Maybe context being no movement? In any case, would probably need to be tested against JAM at the least.
1 reply, 5 total
> Aiming context would likely break hold breath
Not really, holding breath and changing vision mode would happen simultaneously.

I can check whether a dpad button is pressed. Dpad down + Grab sounds like a good alternative to me.
1 reply, 4 total
Main issue is that instead of doing both effects (sprint + toggle, hold breath + toggle), both effects are broken, only functioning when grab is rebound off the sprint/HB key.

D-pad left or right would likely be better due to loot menu controller navigation using up/down.
At some point a thought came into my head of using the camera toggle button, but adding context so that the default button is only pressed instead of the hotkey under certain circumstances.

Alternatively, if you're feeling particularly excellent, could rebind the night vision toggles to override the pip boy light input (Hold B) as in some toggleable night vision mods, and the stealth field to holding the sneak key, activating when the key is released and the player crouches (or just pipboy light input + crouching).
1 reply, 3 total
I'm considering holding the TogglePOV key for vision modes.

> the stealth field to holding the sneak key
You'd have to break your invisibility, if you decide to turn on the stealth field when already crouching.
I'll keep crouching + Grab for the time being.
1 reply, 2 total
I have to check if crouching works on button press or release. If it works on button release, then holding sneak for stealth is possible too.
1 reply
Apologies, I had to leave my computer for a while.
For the TogglePOV key, it would have to not the use the default function of the key under most contexts as I've said before, otherwise users end up switching between first and third person all of the time. I think overriding the pip-boy light button with vision modes is the best avenue personally, as in most cases one isn't using a light that gives away their position when they can just as easily press one to see in the dark.

As for crouch, the button works on press and not release, so holding the crouch button to toggle stealth would function similarly to the default settings provided the player was standing before holding the key.

It also occurs that there's the possibility of having the effects be bound to quest apparel, similarly to how the burst arm weapons work. Or an option for players to unbind the controller hotkey input, being as you've illustrated, there are too few bindable keys on the controller to the point of making it fairly difficult to ensure compatibility with many other mods.

I've been using this mod for years now (it's essential in my list, thank you very much for your work in it) and up until this version I had just been hitting the keyboard hotkeys when I needed to toggle abilities, the main draw for controller support was being able to use the controller in the implant menu without having to pause, disable the controller to regain use of the mouse, reopen the menu, do implants, close the menu, pause and re-enable the controller -- every time I needed to interact with it.

UPD: The worst of these issues is actually caused by an interaction between the sprint mod, an addon mod for the sprint mod, and this mod. Disabling the addon has returned the mod to almost standard function, though the bionic eyes hotkey is still causing issues in its current state. I've remedied this on my end by simply replacing the new scripts for the hotkey with the scripts from the previous version. Thanks for troubleshooting this with me.
Hi, an absolutely fantastic mod! But is there a way to add more slots for more cybernetics or no?
1 reply
Sure, open the GECK and make a patch.