Tale of Two Wastelands

Reporting low download speed, please, share your location, a country or at least a continent. The hosting is from Cloudflare, and most users are able to utilize their full speed. To diagnoze or report slow speed, I need more information.
5 replies, 6 total
I'm from South East Asia. I have tried multiple times to reset the download as well as switching browsers, but it didn't help a bit.
I also experienced the same problem and I also come from Southeast Asia too, namely Indonesia
yea no i cant install the file in SEA
Getting 60 KBps in North America, gigabit fiber connection
1 reply
Seems like a Cloudflare problem, got 30 MBps on the third retry
Me too, I'm from Indonesia and I'm still capped to 15kbps, it's ridiculous.