Cyberware 2281
cant seem to upgrade implants. no option in workbench and im at 80 science. using ttw mod too
1 reply, 2 total
Hey, quick question about Julie Farkas. I've played with this mod on over 30 characters and never had an issue, but all of a sudden she stopped selling the implants. Are they locked behind positive reputation with the Followers or is this simply a bug on my end? Thanks!
1 reply, 2 total
She stops selling implants after you installed all implants from her inventory. May happen if you bought all implants Pinkerton offers.
1 reply
That doesn't make sense either. I have a single weight absorber and a single razor nail in my inventory, not installed. Not only does she not sell those, she never once had any of them in her inventory on this playthrough or the last one. It's not a huge issue, but still worth posting it so you're aware. I've never had an issue before now though, so that's why I'm thrown for a loop as to what could be causing it. Will come back if I ever figure it out.
I cant seem to find the stealth nano bots in vault 106 science labs. Please help.
1 reply
Never mind. Found it at the end of the science lab with a bunch of skeletons. It's really small though.
Really wish Implant GRX (a vanilla perk) was made into an actual implant with this mod. It's pretty dumb you can just select a perk and VOILA, you suddenly have an implant. Could you add this in the future? Btw, love this mod and all your work streamlining PN stuff!
1 reply
The included Cyberware OWB.esp does exactly this (ported from the Project Nevada Patches).
can you specify where are the bionic eyes been looking for them for hours
1 reply
Look around in the rocket room.
how do i install the mod?
2 replies
FNV has several guides for newcomers, explaining how to install mods. See Viva New Vegas or Blue Moon for instructions.
looks like installing the contents straight into the new vegas data folder does the trick
Hi! I'm currently using your mod, TTW version. Problem is I cannot find some of the implants at dc. I've searched whole place mentioned on the spreadsheet, but I cannot find them(bionic eyes and adrenaline booster). Could you edit spreadsheet's dc locations more specifically like nv ones?
Thanks for great mod.
Thanks for great mod.
When ADS with the red dot sight on the mp5 ("police submachine gun") while the Nanobots stealth field is active, an oval in the middle of the red dot sight holo panel is covered with the stealth field texture, and the dot disappears, making it impossible to aim.
Not necessarily a bug, but probably an unintended visual conflict. Not sure if it's an issue with Cyberware or with Another Millenia.
Here's my load order (VNV+MEG):
Not necessarily a bug, but probably an unintended visual conflict. Not sure if it's an issue with Cyberware or with Another Millenia.
Here's my load order (VNV+MEG):
Do razor nails implants stack?
1 reply, 3 total
1 reply, 2 total
So it is possible to install 4 of them fo some insande dmg? :)))
1 reply
One implant per arm max.
fun mod! Thank you!
How would I go about changing the duration of the Stealth Field? I'd like to shorten it substantially.
How would I go about changing the duration of the Stealth Field? I'd like to shorten it substantially.
1 reply, 2 total
Override the CWxBaseStealthFieldStability global variable.
1 reply
Works! Thank you!
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