Hero menu attributes have been moved to DLL and rewritten using C++ API, not matching the old Papyrus methods 1:1. The race bonus I would not consider a bug because it's a permanent effect. Item effects should be green, that's an issue I'll look into.
1 reply
Item effects are also not showing up green in the hero menu. I tried both installation methods on my gog version of SSE. I then tried the automated web installer on my 1.6.640 steam version of SSE. Still having the same issue with the hero menu.

If anyone else reading this is having this issue and are too lazy to look at their item and race bonuses and do the math (like I am) to see what their base skills are at so they don't waste pennies on learning books they don't need. I found a workaround for this issue using the following mod and its requirements.

Skyrim Character sheet preset for enderal se on nexus incase the link doesn't work.

I have roughly 6 hours into a save using this mod and have encountered no issues so far.