Realistic Repair TTW Port

A port of Realistic Repair by defear on Nexus Mods. It's been patched be TTW 3.3+ compatible. I liked it's features and found all I had to do was edit some Formlists and a make a few minor tweaks and it runs with TTW just fine.
A port of Realistic Repair by defear on Nexus Mods. It's been patched be TTW 3.3+ compatible. I liked its features and found all I had to do was edit some Formlists and a make a few minor tweaks and it runs with TTW just fine.

I release this port under the same permissions as the original modder, and while I have no intention of publishing on Nexus Mods for personal reasons, anyone else may do so, just give me and the original modder credit with link to here and the original mod page. See the original mod page for more information on how it works.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the weird way TTW alters the formlists, you will want to make sure all relevant changes carry over for whatever mods you use if you use a Bashed Patch. TTW and the games it draw from do not line up 1:1 in many areas and if you use mods that add other equipment, it will further complicate things.
defear, the original creator on Nexus Mods -