Tale of Two Wastelands
💬 1
5 February 2025, 12:12
adaptations of other languages when?
1 reply
💬 3
▣ 1
⇄ 5
7 February 2025, 23:51
Never. As far as I know, this is not part of the official team's plans. But you can look for unofficial translations...
Invalid data type for 'Installed Path'
Did everything on guide, including fresh reinstall, then got this error. Saying "OK" just keeps it on a blank page.
Did everything on guide, including fresh reinstall, then got this error. Saying "OK" just keeps it on a blank page.
I'm having a problem in installing this mod, whenever the installation is finished it only occupies 2.67gb on my disk. I reinstalled the mod many times. I don't know what step I'm doing wrong.
I use the ttw installer without ogg reencode.
I use the ttw installer without ogg reencode.
4 replies
Same here
Had the same issue, something bugged with the installer it seems it just aborts in the middle of I assume what's unpacking & repacking BSAs with no error. Eventually it worked and I have no idea what I did to make it work, so it's perhaps a random failure.
I had this problem, too...what worked for me is closing everything but the installer, and making sure the option for your computer to go to sleep is turned off
I just turned off my antivirus and it worked for me.
Hallo zusammen, ich möchte TTW spielen, bin deutscher und hab auf G2A ein Steam Konto für Fallout 3 global gefunden, wenn ich es zusammen mit Fallout New Vegas ( ebenfalls als Steamkonto) kaufe, funktioniert es damit dann auch? Bin für jede Information dankbar. verstrahlte Grüße an meine entspannten Vaultdweller.
Hello everyone, I want to play TTW, I'm German and I found a Steam account for Fallout 3 global on G2A. If I buy it together with Fallout New Vegas (also as a Steam account), will it work with that? I'm grateful for any information. Radiated greetings to my relaxed Vaultdwellers.
Hello everyone, I want to play TTW, I'm German and I found a Steam account for Fallout 3 global on G2A. If I buy it together with Fallout New Vegas (also as a Steam account), will it work with that? I'm grateful for any information. Radiated greetings to my relaxed Vaultdwellers.
I installed this exactly as it said am only using the mods that the installation guide for tale of 2 wastelands said download and use, I start in the capitol wasteland, but in the starter vault 101 when I get to the part where andy the mr handy is fighting the roaches with his flamethrower the game always crashes on me, and it seems to do it when all 3 of the attacking roaches are dead.
I have no idea why
I have no idea why
I can't find anything about the falloutcustom.ini edits in the guide, how is this done not using MO2?
P.S. Beth.ini broke everything
P.S. Beth.ini broke everything
1 reply
yeah I am a noob with mods and now I cant play, I have no idea what needs to be changed or updated or what to delete. I just don't understand why I cant just play like I was with all the versions I had.
This is a great mod
Is there anyway to download version 3.3.2a? Begin Again Wabbajack modlist says not to use version 3.3.3. Would be nice to have access to older versions for mod compatibility sake.
1 reply
Begin Again is being updated, wait for that.
how can i downgrade to 3.3.2 for wabbajack modlists???? I don't know how to use this site
1 reply
I'm in the same boat. I'm going through the steps to install Begin Again modlist but it says to use the 3.3.2a version of TTW. Can't find that version anywhere though. fek me
Don't know if this is a stupid question, I looked in the FAQ and couldn't find an answer, but do I need to completely reinstall TTW to update it, or is it possible to update my already existing TTW without needing to reinstall it, because I don't wanna have to sit and wait for an hour for it to finish. If I have to reinstall it, then alright, I will.