Tale of Two Wastelands

If someone could pin this comment to help others that would be very appreciated.

(you can ship your loot back to various settlements without having to carry it!)

As a newcomer to TTW (finished FO3 and NV years ago) I was surprised to find one of these boxes outside of Rivet City and upon reading the instructions, it sounds like a great idea...HOWEVER

There is no mention of where the other boxes are or how they work anywhere on the TTW website or reddit or anywhere on the internet. After digging around for a while I found an old TTW forums comment by chucksteel from 2013 talking about potentially adding these boxes as a feature to a mod named TTWInteriors. In this comment they envisioned adding 8 boxes in total to the CW. I then read through TTW changelogs and found this entry in the log for 3.2 (3-2): "Added five Pony Express boxes to the Capital Wasteland (thanks pintocat!)"

>inb4 "why mention it, it works like the Mojave express"
Yes but this is clearly the Capital Wasteland and these boxes have never been in Fallout 3 so obviously people will have no idea these are in the game to begin with let alone where to find them.

I think it would be great to tell new (and old) TTW fans about this feature on somewhere like the FAQ or on the bestoftimes site. Now, I haven't found the other boxes yet but based on the same thread from 2013, the locations might be these: "Tenpenny, Canterbury, Rivet City, Megaton (+ one more)"

Once I've found them myself I will confirm in a reply to this comment.
yo i dont care about support, i was already forced to create an account on this niche website when i didnt need to in the past. now i cant install the mod the way id like into the data folder? youre telling me i need to download ANOTHER thing? whats next a subscription service?
2 replies
TTW was moved here because hosting was becoming too expensive (i.e. they were paying out of pocket). And this site is run by a reputable member of the FNV modding community.
Oh look, another selfish entitled prick who has zero idea how much self-hosting was costing us, out-of-pocket, for literal years. Eddoursul was kind enough to offer us a home here. Creating an account on a free site, run by a reputable and incredibly skilled modder in the community is so trivial it's a non issue.

If you don't like it then don't download it. Simple as.
Looks like Mod Pub is about a huge influx of new users...
1 reply, 2 total
I have Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition (disc version)- TTW instaler give info "This version of FNV is unsupported". Which version is valid?
1 reply
I have all esm files installed but the organizer tells me that they arent installed. What can i do ?
Hello! I am getting the "The installed Fallout 3 version is unsupported" message.

I have downloaded the Steam Version Fallout 3 GOTY edition from my steam account with the latest updates from Bethesda.

I cannot get what I have done wrong here. Any ideas please?
Trying to download the file, but I keep getting HTTP ERROR 403
Hey, I followed the instructions from this video and the Masters won't load for me so all the ESMs are red. It says in that FAQ that the TTW file should be around 15GB but mine is 1.5GB after it's extracted. Am I missing something?
I am getting really slow download speeds, currently saying 6 days, I noticed in an earlier comment the server was switched for some one, is that possible tonight? east coast Canada
1 reply, 4 total
It wasn't a personal switch, all mods have been moved to NA. Try to restart download, or disable VPN if you have one enabled.
1 reply, 3 total
I appreciate the fast reply! It's weird I tried to cancel and restart the download a few times, and sometimes it gets to 40Mb and get's stuck, and sometimes 100Mb and get's stuck, Should I just leave it be over night and hope for the best?
1 reply, 2 total
Can't say, downloads don't normally get stuck, the file has been downloaded almost 50k times only with a couple reported cases. Could your browser or network settings affect speed? Does this happen with a different browser?
1 reply
I'm on chrome and never had issues downloading anything, and I have a good network/Internet speed, No VPN just an add blocker, Could it be the add blocker? No worries If you got no fix I can just play the patience game and hope it get's there!
i'am using this mod with the beggin again list, everything gone ok expept i can't really play the game, i aways start in a "rettention Cell" location, and nothing happens, what i need to do?
Is this the same download that was on the previous website before it was taken away? Or does this not contain the dead money fix and or ttw hotix’s from the ttw discord?