Piber's Unofficial Patch

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▷ Main files
PUP - New Vegas Version
v1.0.0  ·  34.13 KiB

For New Vegas. Do NOT use with the Tale of Two Wastelands version.

Requires Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road.

1 DLs
1 Unique DLs
Uploaded 25 February 2025, 22:25
PUP - Tale of Two Wastelands Version
v1.0.0  ·  108.58 KiB

For Tale of Two Wastelands 3.3.3. Do NOT use with the New Vegas version.

4 DLs
4 Unique DLs
Uploaded 25 February 2025, 22:26
PUP - Vanilla UI Fixes
v1.0.0  ·  48.96 KiB

Let other UI mods OVERWRITE this. It has been reported that there are crashes with Vanilla UI Plus, so avoid this file if you use that.

1 DLs
1 Unique DLs
Uploaded 25 February 2025, 22:26
▷ Optional files
PUP - No HUD Bevels
v0.2.0  ·  142.33 KiB

Optional file which modifies interfaceshared0.dds to remove the New Vegas-styled bevels from the HUD, without modifying anything else.

Sort of a compromise between Fallout 3 and New Vegas HUD, keeping all details from New Vegas but with sharp corners.

0 DLs
0 Unique DLs
Uploaded 25 February 2025, 22:35
▷ Compatibility patches
PUP - Mod Configuration Menu UI Fix
v0.3.1  ·  20.88 KiB

Re-replaces pause menu to bring hud coloring back, and adds syscolor capability to many MCM elements to allow it to match the chosen hud color.

0 DLs
0 Unique DLs
Uploaded 25 February 2025, 22:34