Piber's Unofficial Patch

Some fixes and little tweaks, meant to use alongside existing fixes.
(the title isn't supposed to be a jab at anything, PUP was just a perfect acronym i couldn't pass up)

Piber's Unofficial Patch
Some fixes and QOL tweaks, meant to use alongside existing fixes.

I was playing a 99% vanilla game on my Steam Deck and even with all the fixes, TTW, and other stuff I still found a few things that bugged me, and I remembered a few things that have always bothered me that I never actually took note of until now.

I recommend adding this on top of a Viva New Vegas or Best of Times mod list setup, and placing PUP directly after YUP in your load order, allow other mods to override this mod's changes. Make sure your UI mods overwrite PUP in MO2.

The philosophy is a little more lax than YUP, but I'll still try to avoid adding anything that would be controversial as a fix. I do, however, want to also try to make the game easier to mod, so I may change things so that they are easily extendable without necessarily being considered a fix.

If you wish to report any bugs with the game that haven't been fixed, I would recommend reporting them to the TTW team, YUP team, or UPNVSE team first before trying to get me to fix it. If the bug is specific to something I fixed, feel free to report it.

Notable features:
An exhaustive list of changes for Fallout: New Vegas, Tale of Two Wastelands, UI, and info for modders can be found in the articles tab.
- UI has got a polish pass, while remaining mostly-vanilla feeling.
- Recipe menu has been cleaned up and is now more consistent with other menus.
- Weapon mod menu has been significantly cleaned up based on the repair menu.
- The Fallout 3 intro in Tale of Two Wastelands has been given a polish pass, limiting info on lockpicking features until it is first introduced and making it flow better for new players.
- Graves, The Sink, Sarah's vault suits, and more now use formlists to determine what is accepted, allowing other mods to easily add to their rewards.
- The New Vegas version of PUP carries over many records from the Tale of Two Wastelands version that would normally be unused, but can be freely used by any New Vegas mods that want to use them.
- A patch for Mod Configuration Menu is available.
- An optional file to remove the bevels from the UI it make it more Fallout 3 feeling is available.
- The unused cursor has been properly grayscaled and tone-shifted so that YSI's recolorable cursor option works better.
- New Vegas' "Goodbye." prompt has been restored in Tale of Two Wastelands, while keeping Fallout 3's "I have to go now." prompt when the player is in DC. Pulls text from message forms, making it easy to translate or otherwise edit.
- Many loose statics have been converted to their item version.
- An "Apparel" crafting subcategory has been added and implemented where appropriate, and Sierra Madre Vending Machine recipes have been given a polish pass with TTW in mind.

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I'm a marginalized LGBTQ+ person stuck in the United States just trying to survive. Any support would be greatly appreciated and would help me continue to pursue my hobbies and education.

Enjoy my mods and want to hang out with me?
I have a discord server! Feel free to chill with me here: Discord Server Link