Piber's Unofficial Patch
Fallout: New Vegas Changes
Note that PUPFNV includes a lot of leftover records from PUPTTW as it is a trimmed down version of it. These records, unused in New Vegas, can be used in other mods.
- Added Apparel crafting subcategory.
- Moved gecko-backed armor recipes from the misc subcategory to the apparel subcategory.
- Moved SM vending machine pre war apparel and security armor return recipes from the misc subcategory to the apparel subcategory.
- Added return recipes for bonnet, grimy businesswear, and dirty businesswear.
- Added Police Pistol vending recipe to give functionality to the unimplemented note, still not placed anywhere.
- Campfires can now be used in combat like other crafting stations. If the player has home on the range, it won't open the sleep menu.
- Added global CanCraftInCombat which is set to 1 by default. Set it to 0 to disable crafting in combat for ALL crafting stations. Set it to 2 or any other number higher than 1 to disable crafting in combat ONLY the campfire, like vanilla.
- Removed specific filterings in the campfire script for the home on the range perk, opting to instead add a separate script for hot plates.
- Hot plates now change the "made at" text of the recipe menu, instead of saying it's made at a campfire it'll now say it's made at a hot plate. String for this has been added as a new HotPlateRecipes recipe category form, simply change the name of this form for translations or minor edits. Don't actually set recipes' categories to this though.
- Added weapon exchange UDF PUPWeaponExchangeUDF so I don't need to make a specialized patch for UPNVSE for non-TTW players just for one script.
- Ensured PUPFNV brings forward some non-ttw fix mod's changes (yup)
- Brought forward a few TTW fixes to Sarah Weintraub's dialogue so PUP changes done in a TTW environment will work in a non-TTW environment (a condition needed a variable change - nothing big just easy to overlook when backporting to new vegas)
- Add lists VaultSuitList, VaultUtilitySuitList, BoomerSuitList
- Add UDF functions GenericPlayerRemoveItemUDF and GenericPlayerRemoveItemCountUDF, takes 1 arg, the base item ref, and removes 1 from the player or the full item count from the player.
- Sarah Weintraub now uses form lists to check for vault suits instead of a hard-coded script.
- Added a few unused weapons to the shovel list, for sake of completeness.
- Old World Blues' book chute now makes use of the NVDLC03Clipboards list in all its scripts, topics, and messages instead of hard-coded conditions where it would make sense.
- Old World Blues' book chute now makes use of the NVDLC03BooksAllNonSkill list in all its scripts, topics, and messages instead of hard-coded conditions where it would make sense.
- Old World Blues' sink now makes use of the NVDLC03AllEmptyBottlesLIST list in all its scripts, topics, and messages instead of hard-coded conditions where it would make sense.
- Old World Blues' bio research station now makes use of the NVDLC03AllIngestiblePlants list in all its scripts, topics, and messages instead of hard-coded conditions where it would make sense.
- Muggy now makes use of the NVDLC03HQBuddiesMuggyAllDinnerwareLIST list in all their scripts, topics, and messages instead of hard-coded conditions where it would make sense.
- Added NVDLC03HQBuddiesMuggyXItemsXXLIST lists for each item that Muggy can give you, for varying amounts of the item. Modders can add to these lists to make custom items give rewards through Muggy without needing to edit the script.
- Old World Blues' toaster's message will no longer show the prompt to process toasters and appliances if the player has saturnite fists but no appliances.
- Old World Blues' toaster now makes use of the NVDLC03HQBuddiesToasterAllApplianceLIST list in all its scripts, topics, and messages instead of hard-coded conditions where it would make sense.
- Added NVDLC03HQBuddiesToasterXItemsXXLIST lists for each item that Old World Blues' toaster can give you, for varying amounts of the item. Modders can add to these lists to make custom items give rewards through the toaster without needing to edit the script.
- Added player check for sunset sars add cap effect in irradiated sunset sars to match the regular version with YUPTTW
- Added list NukaBottleDrinksVending with only nuka-cola in it. Pristine Nuka-Cola Vending Machines now pull from this list instead of a single item. This can be used to allow more items to be converted to ice cold nuka cola.
- Added list NukaBottleDrinksPlain with only nuka-cola and ice cold nuka-cola.
- Reverted an unused armor's stats to vanilla in FNV version, oops.
- FNV version now requires Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road.
- Reordered some form lists so items found only in fallout 3/TTW are after new vegas items, for easy trimming with the new vegas version.
From Piber's Generic Nail Guns:
- Changed name of nails ammo to "Nail" from "Nails" for consistency with other ammo, the game automatically makes ammo names plural based on the situation.
- Set H&H Tools Nail Gun's ammo to use the unused nails ammo list instead of just the nails. No gameplay difference but modders can add to this list or make the unused flechettes obtainable and it'll work.
From Piber's Misc Item and Crafting Tweaks:
- Renamed Pot misc item to Large Metal Pot and set its value to 1 from 0.
From Piber's Statics to Vanilla Items: (numbers may be slightly off)
- Replaced 95 Metal Cooking Pot movable statics with items throughout FNV and its DLCs.
- Replaced 13 grounded non-clipping Large Metal Pot statics with items throughout FNV and its DLCs.
- Replaced 9 Large Metal Pot movable statics with items throughout FNV and its DLCs.
- Replaced 3 grounded non-clipping Clipboard statics with items throughout FNV and its DLCs.
- Replaced 6 grounded non-clipping Brahmin Skull statics with items throughout FNV and its DLCs.
- Replaced 7 Brahmin Skull movable statics with items throughout FNV and its DLCs.
- Replaced 2 grounded non-clipping Fission Battery statics with items throughout FNV and its DLCs.
- Trigger player.update3d through placement of a new one-time-use trigger "GenericPlayerUpdate3dTrigger" at the exit of Doc Mitchel's house. Work around to fix a bug that surfaces with quickstart mods which doesn't allow the JIPLN fixed crouch setting to take effect.
- Rename object effect EnchClothingVaultSuitUtility "Vault Utility Suit" to "Vault Utility Jumpsuit" which is used by the Vault 3 Utility Jumpsuit.
- Rename object effect MS03ClothingVaultSuitCombat "Vault Combat Suit" to "Armored Vault Jumpsuit", which is used by the unimplemented Armored Vault 21 Jumpsuit.
- Added list "GraveShovels" and modified the grave scripts to check for items in this list instead of a hard-coded condition.
- Added Apparel crafting subcategory.
- Moved gecko-backed armor recipes from the misc subcategory to the apparel subcategory.
- Moved SM vending machine pre war apparel and security armor return recipes from the misc subcategory to the apparel subcategory.
- Added return recipes for bonnet, grimy businesswear, and dirty businesswear.
- Added Police Pistol vending recipe to give functionality to the unimplemented note, still not placed anywhere.
- Campfires can now be used in combat like other crafting stations. If the player has home on the range, it won't open the sleep menu.
- Added global CanCraftInCombat which is set to 1 by default. Set it to 0 to disable crafting in combat for ALL crafting stations. Set it to 2 or any other number higher than 1 to disable crafting in combat ONLY the campfire, like vanilla.
- Removed specific filterings in the campfire script for the home on the range perk, opting to instead add a separate script for hot plates.
- Hot plates now change the "made at" text of the recipe menu, instead of saying it's made at a campfire it'll now say it's made at a hot plate. String for this has been added as a new HotPlateRecipes recipe category form, simply change the name of this form for translations or minor edits. Don't actually set recipes' categories to this though.
- Added weapon exchange UDF PUPWeaponExchangeUDF so I don't need to make a specialized patch for UPNVSE for non-TTW players just for one script.
- Ensured PUPFNV brings forward some non-ttw fix mod's changes (yup)
- Brought forward a few TTW fixes to Sarah Weintraub's dialogue so PUP changes done in a TTW environment will work in a non-TTW environment (a condition needed a variable change - nothing big just easy to overlook when backporting to new vegas)
- Add lists VaultSuitList, VaultUtilitySuitList, BoomerSuitList
- Add UDF functions GenericPlayerRemoveItemUDF and GenericPlayerRemoveItemCountUDF, takes 1 arg, the base item ref, and removes 1 from the player or the full item count from the player.
- Sarah Weintraub now uses form lists to check for vault suits instead of a hard-coded script.
- Added a few unused weapons to the shovel list, for sake of completeness.
- Old World Blues' book chute now makes use of the NVDLC03Clipboards list in all its scripts, topics, and messages instead of hard-coded conditions where it would make sense.
- Old World Blues' book chute now makes use of the NVDLC03BooksAllNonSkill list in all its scripts, topics, and messages instead of hard-coded conditions where it would make sense.
- Old World Blues' sink now makes use of the NVDLC03AllEmptyBottlesLIST list in all its scripts, topics, and messages instead of hard-coded conditions where it would make sense.
- Old World Blues' bio research station now makes use of the NVDLC03AllIngestiblePlants list in all its scripts, topics, and messages instead of hard-coded conditions where it would make sense.
- Muggy now makes use of the NVDLC03HQBuddiesMuggyAllDinnerwareLIST list in all their scripts, topics, and messages instead of hard-coded conditions where it would make sense.
- Added NVDLC03HQBuddiesMuggyXItemsXXLIST lists for each item that Muggy can give you, for varying amounts of the item. Modders can add to these lists to make custom items give rewards through Muggy without needing to edit the script.
- Old World Blues' toaster's message will no longer show the prompt to process toasters and appliances if the player has saturnite fists but no appliances.
- Old World Blues' toaster now makes use of the NVDLC03HQBuddiesToasterAllApplianceLIST list in all its scripts, topics, and messages instead of hard-coded conditions where it would make sense.
- Added NVDLC03HQBuddiesToasterXItemsXXLIST lists for each item that Old World Blues' toaster can give you, for varying amounts of the item. Modders can add to these lists to make custom items give rewards through the toaster without needing to edit the script.
- Added player check for sunset sars add cap effect in irradiated sunset sars to match the regular version with YUPTTW
- Added list NukaBottleDrinksVending with only nuka-cola in it. Pristine Nuka-Cola Vending Machines now pull from this list instead of a single item. This can be used to allow more items to be converted to ice cold nuka cola.
- Added list NukaBottleDrinksPlain with only nuka-cola and ice cold nuka-cola.
- Reverted an unused armor's stats to vanilla in FNV version, oops.
- FNV version now requires Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road.
- Reordered some form lists so items found only in fallout 3/TTW are after new vegas items, for easy trimming with the new vegas version.
From Piber's Generic Nail Guns:
- Changed name of nails ammo to "Nail" from "Nails" for consistency with other ammo, the game automatically makes ammo names plural based on the situation.
- Set H&H Tools Nail Gun's ammo to use the unused nails ammo list instead of just the nails. No gameplay difference but modders can add to this list or make the unused flechettes obtainable and it'll work.
From Piber's Misc Item and Crafting Tweaks:
- Renamed Pot misc item to Large Metal Pot and set its value to 1 from 0.
From Piber's Statics to Vanilla Items: (numbers may be slightly off)
- Replaced 95 Metal Cooking Pot movable statics with items throughout FNV and its DLCs.
- Replaced 13 grounded non-clipping Large Metal Pot statics with items throughout FNV and its DLCs.
- Replaced 9 Large Metal Pot movable statics with items throughout FNV and its DLCs.
- Replaced 3 grounded non-clipping Clipboard statics with items throughout FNV and its DLCs.
- Replaced 6 grounded non-clipping Brahmin Skull statics with items throughout FNV and its DLCs.
- Replaced 7 Brahmin Skull movable statics with items throughout FNV and its DLCs.
- Replaced 2 grounded non-clipping Fission Battery statics with items throughout FNV and its DLCs.
- Trigger player.update3d through placement of a new one-time-use trigger "GenericPlayerUpdate3dTrigger" at the exit of Doc Mitchel's house. Work around to fix a bug that surfaces with quickstart mods which doesn't allow the JIPLN fixed crouch setting to take effect.
- Rename object effect EnchClothingVaultSuitUtility "Vault Utility Suit" to "Vault Utility Jumpsuit" which is used by the Vault 3 Utility Jumpsuit.
- Rename object effect MS03ClothingVaultSuitCombat "Vault Combat Suit" to "Armored Vault Jumpsuit", which is used by the unimplemented Armored Vault 21 Jumpsuit.
- Added list "GraveShovels" and modified the grave scripts to check for items in this list instead of a hard-coded condition.