Piber's Unofficial Patch

Modders' Patches and important info

25 February 2025, 22:37  |  Posted by piber  |  0 views
UI Changes:
- UI edits are loose files. Ask users of your UI mods to make sure PUP is one of the first mods that loads in MO2 so your mod would replace it.
- Pip-boy icons in the stats tab now have properties which allow the menu to support higher-resolution icons.
- Map markers now have properties to allow them to support higher-resolution icons.
- The weapon mod desc card outline rect shares the same visibility state as the vanilla weapon mod description rect.

Tale of Two Wastelands:
- A few more objects have been added to Roy's Test Cell (TTWTestRoy) for easier debugging. Might be helpful for your own uses.
- A new trigger has been placed at the exit of Vault 101 and Doc Mitchel's house which calls player.update3d. This was added to work around an issue where the JIPLN fixed crouch setting doesn't take effect with quickstart mods.
- Graves now check for items in a formlist "GraveShovels" instead of using a hard-coded condition in a script. This formlist can be easily added to.
- New Vegas' Goodbye prompt has been restored in Tale of Two Wastelands, while keeping Fallout 3's Goodbye intact. This is done by replacing the name of the GOODBYE form with an associated goodbye message form when the player travels between wastelands. You can change the title of these message forms and it'll work.
- Sarah Weintraub now takes anything in the new lists VaultSuitList, VaultUtilitySuitList, and BoomerSuitList. You can add to these without any additional scripting.
- Xenotech Expert perk now checks for weapons in the DLC05AllAlienWeaponsList list instead of manually-set conditions.
- Old World Blues' personalities have been properly set to make use of their form lists where appropriate, making manual edits to messages and dialogue unnecessary if you've added more things they can process.
- Old World Blues' personalities now make use of new form lists to determine what they can process and what the reward is. Muggy and Toaster use the lists in the format of NVDLC03HQBuddiesMuggyXItemsXXLIST and NVDLC03HQBuddiesToasterXItemsXXLIST, separate lists exist for the rewarded item and the amount of the reward, with some additional ones added. This should make adding more items they can process relatively painless, requiring you to only add the item to the desired list.
- Added UDF functions GenericPlayerRemoveItemUDF and GenericPlayerRemoveItemCountUDF, takes 1 arg, the base item ref, and removes 1 from the player or the full item count from the player. The latter function is used extensively in the modified scripts of The Sink.
- Added list NukaBottleDrinksVending with only nuka-cola in it. Pristine Nuka-Cola Vending Machines now pull from this list instead of a single item. This can be used to allow more items to be converted to ice cold nuka cola.
- Added list NukaBottleDrinksPlain with only nuka-cola and ice cold nuka-cola. Can be used for when an NPC asks for a nuka-cola, or for whatever else.
- H&H Tools Nail Gun now uses ammo from the unused nails ammo list instead of just nails. You can add to this list or make the unused flechettes obtainable and it'll work.
- The player home vending machines scripts have been modified to work with any container. The nuka-cola machines using these scripts can now be placed arbitrarily, or you can create new containers and simply have them use one of these scripts.
- A new Apparel crafting subcategory has been added. Some vanilla recipes have been changed to use this subcategory.
- The typical Sierra Madre Vending Machine recipe tweaks have been done, though a little more lax. Still, may be something you need to remove redundancies for when patching.
- Added global CanCraftInCombat which is set to 1 by default. Set it to 0 to disable crafting in combat for ALL crafting stations. Set it to 2 or any other number higher than 1 to disable crafting in combat ONLY the campfire, like vanilla.
- Hot plate and grill crafting activators now use a separate scripts for purposes of easier filtering against Home on the Range and to change the string of the "Made at" text on the recipe menu.

New Vegas:
- PUPFNV includes a lot of leftover records from PUPTTW as it is a trimmed down version of it. These records, unused in the context of New Vegas, can be used in other mods.
- A new trigger has been placed at the exit of Doc Mitchel's house which calls player.update3d. This was added to work around an issue where the JIPLN fixed crouch setting doesn't take effect with quickstart mods.
- Graves now check for items in a formlist "GraveShovels" instead of using a hard-coded condition in a script. This formlist can be easily added to.
- Sarah Weintraub now takes anything in the new lists VaultSuitList, VaultUtilitySuitList, and BoomerSuitList. You can add to these without any additional scripting.
- Old World Blues' personalities have been properly set to make use of their form lists where appropriate, making manual edits to messages and dialogue unnecessary if you've added more things they can process.
- Old World Blues' personalities now make use of new form lists to determine what they can process and what the reward is. Muggy and Toaster use the lists in the format of NVDLC03HQBuddiesMuggyXItemsXXLIST and NVDLC03HQBuddiesToasterXItemsXXLIST, separate lists exist for the rewarded item and the amount of the reward, with some additional ones added. This should make adding more items they can process relatively painless, requiring you to only add the item to the desired list.
- Added list NukaBottleDrinksPlain with only nuka-cola and ice cold nuka-cola. Can be used for when an NPC asks for a nuka-cola, or for whatever else.
- H&H Tools Nail Gun now uses ammo from the unused nails ammo list instead of just nails. You can add to this list or make the unused flechettes obtainable and it'll work.
- A new Apparel crafting subcategory has been added. Some vanilla recipes have been changed to use this subcategory.
- The typical Sierra Madre Vending Machine recipe tweaks have been done, though a little more lax. Still, may be something you need to remove redundancies for when patching.
- Added global CanCraftInCombat which is set to 1 by default. Set it to 0 to disable crafting in combat for ALL crafting stations. Set it to 2 or any other number higher than 1 to disable crafting in combat ONLY the campfire, like vanilla.
- Hot plate crafting activators now use a separate script for purposes of easier filtering against Home on the Range and to change the string of the "Made at" text on the recipe menu.