Lone Star - Another JSawyer

A fixed, compatible, and slightly improved version of the JSawyer. To give you mostly the intended experience of the original mod.
The purpose of the Lone Star is to find a happy medium between the other JSawyer forks.
Unlike Vigor this fork is not trying to find balance between the original mod and the vanilla game (although Lone Star has all its functions, which can be configured), but at the same time, it's not trying to expand the content of the original mod like JSawyer Ultimate Edition.
I was looking at what SawyerBatty FNV was trying to achieve (but it has not been updated since its release in 2022 and, accordingly, is currently outdated due to changes in new versions of YUP) - provide a fixed, compatible, and slightly improved version of the JSawyer. To give you mostly the intended experience of the original mod.

Mod, created by Joshua Sawyer, to provide a harder, more challenging experience to the game. You can read the full changelog here.

  • Less Health.
  • Less Carry Weight.
  • Less max level.
  • Less HP for healing.
  • Less loot.
  • More XP needed to level up.
  • Armor overhaul.
  • Perks overhaul.
  • New Stimpak variants.

  • Forwarded all YUP and UPNVSE+ bug fixes.
  • Converted to ESM (the BSA archive of the mod contains generated facegen).
  • Used the SetPCCanUsePowerArmor function instead of removing "Power Armor" flags to fix the idle stance and "IsPowerArmor" script issues.
  • Applied the base health change through fAVDHealthEnduranceOffset instead of editing player records, so it actually works now.
  • Repositioned Lightweight Metal Armor, which was previously stuck in the texture.
  • Removed JSawyerLoadMessage (message box from the beginning of the game, seriously?).
  • Removed the Ghost People Flesh record edit because the player couldn't obtain it.
  • Removed "Has Backpack" flags from combat armors to fix the idle stance.
  • Removed all remaining (GRA) tags.
  • Rewrote the (Junk) prefix to ", Junk" for constistency.
  • Rewrote "Reinforced Merc Outfit" to "Merc Outfit, Reinforced" for constistency.
  • Replaced LL2Tier2EnergyGun with LootBrightFollowersEnergy in one of the Deranged Bright Followers to prevent him from carrying an Incetrator.
  • Fixed wrong carry weight of the Scorched Sierra Power Armor with perk.
  • Increased weight of the Auto-Inject Stimpak and Auto-Inject Super Stimpak to the value of their non-auto counterparts.
  • Moved all FormID changes from a script to hard edits for easier patching.
  • Moved NPC karma changes to a script for compatibility with mods that edit NPCs.
  • Edited various in-game tutorials and load-screen messages to be consistent with the mod's changes.
  • Added the "Restore Dehydration" effect to Rum & Nuka, which was probably removed by accident.
  • Added item health to all of the placed Courier's Stash items.
  • Added Homemade and Expired Stimpaks to the NVDLC03PerkRelatedAllStimpaksLIST.
  • Added overlooked Expired Stimpaks in the appropriate containers and leveled lists.
  • Changed NVDLC03ChemistrySetSCRIPT to give Homemade Stimpaks.


  • Forwarded all TTW changes and fixes.
  • Removed all unique armors (they were used by changing F3 leftovers in NV).
  • Adjusted F3 armor weight and effects to keep up with the JSawyer changes.
  • Added Expired and Homemade Stimpaks to F3 leveled lists.

  • Ability to disable MCM.
  • Ability to change hardcore stages and thresholds back to vanilla values.
  • Ability to change carry weight back to vanilla value.
  • Ability to change health back to vanilla value.
  • Ability to change XP receiving back to vanilla value.
  • Ability to change DLC XP receiving back to vanilla value.
  • Ability to change the max level cap back to vanilla 50 instead of JSawyer's 35.
  • Ability to change power armor back to vanilla behaviour.
  • Ability to change movement penalties back to vanilla values.
  • Ability to disable Expired and/or Homemade Stimpaks.
  • Ability to disable new armor effects.
  • Ability to disable Deranged Bright Followers.
  • Ability to disable unique armors. (FNV-only)
  • Ability to add to inventory or disable Courier's Stash items

Full support for Viva New Vegas.
Pre-made modgroups for YUP, UPNVSE+ and TTW.
Pre-made scripted patches for various mods that would automatically apply (UPNVSE+, NVMIM, SMIM, EVEM, EDEM, Uncut Wasteland, Outside Bets, The Living Desert, Fallout 3 Karma, Mojave Raiders, Mojave Raiders Lite).
Pre-made manual patches for various overhaul mods (Goodies, ROOG TTW).
Incompatible with any other game balance overhaul except Vicious Wastes.
Josh Sawyer - JSawyer.
RoyBatterian - SawyerBatty FNV and TTW.
PushTheWinButton - JSawyer Ultimate Edition.
Qolore - Vigor.
Ungeziefi - help with providing support to the Viva New Vegas guide.
Wombat - Expired and Homemade Stimpaks Begone.