Classic Armor Scriptrunner Replacements

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▷ Main files
Scriptrunner - Classic Combat Armor Redux
v1.0.0  ·  654 B

For 'Classic Combat Armor Replacer Redux'.
1. Create a folder called "Redux_CombatArmor" inside "meshes".
2. Move the "armor" folder in "meshes" to "Redux_CombatArmor".
3. Hide original ESP.

The gloves are missing due to some limitations. You can use them if you manage to merge them into the armor model though.

37 DLs
27 Unique DLs
Uploaded 23 April 2024, 21:24
Scriptrunner - Classic Metal Armor Mk. II
v1.0.1  ·  548 B

For 'Classic FO2 Metal Armor Mk. II'.
1. Before installing this file, know that the original already has a scriptrunner. To turn the original ESPless, hide the ESP and, in "NVSE/plugins/scripts/gr_MCMetalMK2.txt", put ; at the start of lines containing "ArmorMetalMK2ListMC".
2. If you still want to use this file, hide the original NVSE folder and the ESP.

For the standard version, use .

8 DLs
6 Unique DLs
Uploaded 15 December 2024, 06:51
Scriptrunner - Classic Leather Armor
v1.0.0  ·  604 B

For 'Classic Leather Armor Replacer for Leather Armor'.
1. Hide original ESP.

The mod replaces all leather armor variants.

27 DLs
19 Unique DLs
Uploaded 23 April 2024, 21:30
▷ Old files
Scriptrunner - Classic Metal Armor Mk. II
v1.0.0  ·  475 B

For 'Classic Fallout 2 Metal Armor Mk. II'.
1. Hide original ESP.

This will replace the reinforced version only. For the standard version use 'Classic Fallout Metal Armor' (which already contains a scriptrunner file).

37 DLs
25 Unique DLs
Uploaded 23 April 2024, 21:28