Old World Blues - Sink Recipe Overhaul
Muggy's message when he gives you the spare parts is now a message box.
Sink's message when you drink from it is now a message box.
You will now only drink from the sink if you are missing health or are thirsty.
Generic crafting versions of Muggy and Sink can now give spare parts and provide a drink. In the case of Muggy, the flag has to be manually set on it.
Added a switch for the test muggy to test his extra parts.
Generic crafting muggy's script now works independent of its ref. Should now be able to be placed anywhere.
Added better handling for message boxes that are meant to play before a recipe menu shows up.
Expanded test cell.
Tweaked condition of cloning recipes so they can appear if you have salient green before starting old world blues somehow.
Added Process subcategory and applied it to recipes that are named process.
Sink's message when you drink from it is now a message box.
You will now only drink from the sink if you are missing health or are thirsty.
Generic crafting versions of Muggy and Sink can now give spare parts and provide a drink. In the case of Muggy, the flag has to be manually set on it.
Added a switch for the test muggy to test his extra parts.
Generic crafting muggy's script now works independent of its ref. Should now be able to be placed anywhere.
Added better handling for message boxes that are meant to play before a recipe menu shows up.
Expanded test cell.
Tweaked condition of cloning recipes so they can appear if you have salient green before starting old world blues somehow.
Added Process subcategory and applied it to recipes that are named process.