Washington's Malevolence

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▷ Main files
Washington's Malevolence - Fallout 3
v4.0.3  ·  733.54 MiB

The original Fallout 3 version of Malevolence.

177 DLs
124 Unique DLs
Uploaded 7 January 2024, 18:49
Washington's Malevolence - Tale of Two Wastelands
v4.0.7  ·  746.96 MiB

The TTW port of Washington's Malevolence.

607 DLs
380 Unique DLs
Uploaded 7 January 2024, 18:50
▷ Beta versions
Maddox Island - Project Winchester (ALPHA 0.1.6)
v0.1.6-experimental  ·  510.05 MiB

This is the 2024-11-13 build of Maddox Island. This is only a Fallout 3 version; there is no currently existing TTW port as of this build date. Do NOT load this at the same time as Malevolence. This version is a VERY early alpha, and is only intended as a showcase of the rework in the event it never gets completed.

The Vault 98 section of Extraterrestrial Wonders is mostly completable now. Also made various undocumented changes.

2 DLs
2 Unique DLs
Uploaded 13 November 2024, 06:47
Maddox Island - Project Winchester TTW Build (ALPHA 0.1.5-ttw)
v0.1.5-ttw  ·  441.52 MiB

This is a barebones port of Project Winchester to Tale of Two Wastelands 3.3. Do NOT load this at the same time as Malevolence. This version is a VERY early alpha, and is only intended as a showcase of the rework in the event it never gets completed.

14 DLs
11 Unique DLs
Uploaded 12 January 2024, 19:36
Project ZDIS (circa early 2014)
v0.0.9-tookaguess  ·  188.38 MiB

This is an early build of WM, dating back all the way to sometime in early 2014.

Keep in mind that this is a VERY EARLY developmental build and is not meant to be kept in a load order or treated as a completed mod. This build consists of loose files and is mainly for archival purposes.

Needless to say, this thing is in *rough* shape.

(When I first documented this build on my web site in a now-hidden blog post, I took the liberty of generating LOD files for it, and those are included.)

1 DLs
1 Unique DLs
Uploaded 19 November 2024, 06:17
▷ Optional files
Prospectors - Chemical Reaction/Sons of the Prospectors
v0.2.2-alpha  ·  382.76 MiB

This is the 2023-07-28 build of a mod for Fallout: New Vegas that was in the works but abandoned in August 2023. Do not ignore the splash screens that come up upon loading the mod, they contain instructions on how to start each of the two chapters.

23 DLs
19 Unique DLs
Uploaded 29 January 2024, 19:15
▷ Miscellaneous
Nuka Mixer - Custom Nuka-Cola Variant Labels
v4.0.7-1  ·  106.35 KiB

I took the liberty of whipping up a batch of labels for the custom Nuka-Colas that you are able to get in the quest Nuka Mixer. They are loose files, and they work with both the FO3 and TTW versions of the mod.

Yes, they're supposed to look hand-drawn and kind of crappy. What, do you think Vault 89 has a printing press available or something?

10 DLs
8 Unique DLs
Uploaded 19 November 2024, 05:35
▷ Old files
Maddox Island - Project Winchester (ALPHA 0.1.5)
v0.1.5-experimental  ·  448.41 MiB

This is the 2024-01-07 build of Maddox Island. This is only a Fallout 3 version; there is no currently existing TTW port as of this build date. Do NOT load this at the same time as Malevolence. This version is a VERY early alpha, and is only intended as a showcase of the rework in the event it never gets completed.

13 DLs
11 Unique DLs
Uploaded 7 January 2024, 18:53