Recommended updates for Steam/GOG installations (Enderal SE

19 November 2023, 17:56  |  Posted by Eddoursul  |  1485 views
The 2.0 branch of Enderal SE is out of date and no longer supported, consider upgrading to 2.1. If you are staying on current Steam/GOG versions (, here are recommended updates, accrued since their release dates:

  • 2.0.12 received a minor update, fixing an infinite script loop in Ark - install on top of Steam/GOG installation (copy files to the Data directory). This update also includes user contributions, submitted in 2022/2023.

  • Davipb updated SkyrimRedirector.dll, redirecting INI files from Skyrim.ini/SkyrimPrefs.ini to Enderal.ini/EnderalPrefs.ini, to support redirection of SkyrimCustom.ini. If you are playing Skyrim SE with modified SkyrimCustom.ini, your settings may interfere with Enderal. Update Data\SKSE\Plugins\SkyrimRedirector.dll to version 1.4.0 from Davipb's repository.

  • If you are experiencing consistent crashes on save in certain locations, this may happen, when savegame paths become too long combined with dots .. in SLocalSavePath. To fix this, open My Games\Enderal Special Edition\Enderal.ini and change savegame path from
    SLocalSavePath=..\Enderal Special Edition\Saves\
    After this change, Skyrim will look for Enderal saves in the My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\EnderalSaves directory. You may as well need to move your older saves from Enderal Special Edition\Saves.
    This applies to the GOG version, too, you will have paths with added GOG at the end.

The last two issues do not affect MO2 instances with enabled profile-specific savegames and INI files.
