Unique Item Protectors

A collection of espless mods to prevent you from losing unique items in certain scenarios.
There are three files you can use.

Bater Protector - Protects unique items from accidentally being sold by marking them as a quest item in the barter menu.

Despawn Protector - Protects unique items from despawning them with NPCs by marking them as a quest item until you pick them up.

Jury Rigging Protector - Protects unique items from accidentally being used when taking the Jury Rigging perk. Note this has overlap with Tale of Two Wastelands and Frontier. But it won't conflict.

Custom items can be protected by creating a KEYWORDS file using the keyword "TrooperUniqueItemList" and items can be blacklisted by using the keyword "TrooperQuestItemBlacklist".

These files are purely scripted and have no permanent effects on the game and can be installed and uninstalled any time.