Weight Rebalance Framework

Ultra-light and compatible weight rebalance framework.
This ESP-less mod implements weight rebalancing without script recompiling and record editing. It reads new weight values from the file data\nvse\weight_rebalance\config.txt and applies them from the main menu without running any quests and scripts in gamemode. All changes are non-persistent. The mod can be enabled/disabled any time.

Requires xNVSE 6.23+ and JIP LN NVSE.

Config.txt format

Format description for the ReadArrayFromFile function is located here. In this case, config.txt must be a tab-separated CSV file with the following columns:
Signature (MISC, AMMO, etc) | @Reference (see docs) | New weight | Original weight | $Record name
ALCH @FalloutNV.esm:0151A3 0.75 1 $Purified Water
Last two columns are optional and added for human-friendliness.
If the file contains more than one modification of the same record, the last one wins.

xEdit script

The archive includes a plugin for FNVEdit, named FNV – Generate weights spreadsheet.pas, which allows to prepare ready-to-use data from ESP plugins.

How to use it:
  • Copy FNV – Generate weights spreadsheet.pas to “Path\to\FNVEdit.exe\Edit Scripts”.
  • Open an ESP file with weight changes in FNVEdit and select it.
  • Press Ctrl+N.
  • The script will ask, if you want to copy only changed weight values. Choose ‘Yes’ to only import weight changes or ‘No’ to copy all entries in order to edit them manually in plain text.
  • The result will be written into GAMEDIR\Weight Rebalance Framework.csv – this is a standard tab-separated CSV, you can open it in any spreadsheet editor for editing. It can be edited in any simple text editor as well, but if you don’t know what you are doing and mess up its tab separators, it definitely won’t work as intended.
  • Once you are ready, copy and replace the file in data\nvse\weight_rebalance\config.txt

How to make your own preset

  • Select all ESM files and run supplied FNV – Generate weights spreadsheet.pas on them (choose ‘No’, when asked).
  • The result will be written into GAMEDIR\Weight Rebalance Framework.csv
  • Export the file to Google Spreadsheets as a tab-separated CSV. Make your changes.
  • Download the document as a .tsv document (CSV with tab-separated columns), replace the file data\nvse\weight_rebalance\config.txt
  • Follow clues in console, the mod will report if your file contains any broken references.