Guiding Star - Base Object Swapper

Turns all Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps face up using BOS features.
Stars Turned Face Up сreated by zedas is a very useful and interesting mod.
I'm not usually a fan of casual mods, but this one looks pretty logical and might appeal to many.

It was also included in Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged.

That's why I just created a very simple, compatible and universal alternative to this mod.

To create mod I used the functionality of Base Object Swapper.

Now turns all Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps face up in a universal way.

No more huge amount cells edits.

Improved compatibility that will not break your mods, especially lighting mods.

Caps added by mods are also automatically supported.

I've tested dozens of caps and everything works fine. Let me know if you find anything wrong.
Thanks to zedas for the original mod and very informative comparison screenshots.
Thanks to powerofthree for Base Object Swapper.