Jedi from the Start

4.0.0 14th Anniversary
Merged Jedi from the Start and Tutorial Remover. You may now choose not to start as a Jedi. The game will now properly conform to Jedi or Non-Jedi characters on Taris and Dantooine. Characters in save games made without the mod will no longer be prevented from becoming Jedi on Dantooine.
Jedi can now choose to create a Double-bladed or Short Lightsaber. If you do not start as a Jedi, then you will be able to make a Double-bladed or Short Lightsaber on Dantooine. The Sabers and Crystal dropped by the Dark Jedi will now depend on what type of Lightsaber you create
Overhauled starting equipment.
Starting items will now be calculated after leveling up as a Jedi for the first time (or choosing not to become a Jedi), so that skill points and feats from your Jedi level are taken into account.
Expanded the range of starting items to account for Jedi Classes, and for more feat and skill combinations. Changed distribution of items to be less class based. For instance any class will now receive an implant in the starting footlocker, if they have taken the appropriate feat, instead of just Scouts.
Starting equipment will be split between the footlocker in the players room, and the footlocker that contains the Combat Suit after the second encounter.
Added ability to Persuade or Force Persuade Janice to sell T3-M4 early. Most of this functionality is already in the game, and minor fixes have been made to fully accommodate it.
Restored Bastila's Unique Lightsaber. It will drop from Brejik
All colors of Apprentice robes will now be gained by the player on the Endar Spire
Reworked majority of the mod for better compatibility. All relevant community patch fixes have been made compatible or forwarded, and all files have been reviewed manually.
Renamed all added files to standardize naming and clean up override
Converted installer from TSLPatcher to HoloPatcher
Applied Darth Bandon dialogue tweak to all possible versions of his dialogue
Lightsaber Crystal selector will no longer produce any item added/removed feedback messages, nor will it generate any log entries
Recompiled Dantooine Training scripts to fix Extra Saber Colors Compatiblity
Improved cameras for new Force Persuade checks, so animation can now be better seen
Added better Camera transition to new dialogue options during opening cutscene
Added Compatbility Patch for Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment by DarthParametric
Adjusted dialogue files for Janice Nall and the Sith Base Receptionist to match Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack, allowing certain persuade checks to be failed
Altered initial Bastila Vision conversation text slightly
Removed Tutorial Message from Vulkar Base Workbench
Improved healing script transition into Endar Spire Starboard section
Removed blank Trask lines from feedback log after opening cutscene
Fixed Force Persuade animations not playing
Updated installer to fix module corruption in Taris Cantina
Added system for choosing lightsaber color from a workbench at start of game. If using JC's Extra Saber Colors for K1 those new options will also be available
The Dantooine training sequence lightsabers can now be any saber color, including those from JC's Extra Saber Colors for K1, if you are using that mod
Added Force Persuade animation to all the new Force Persuade checks
The Sith Apprentice on the Endar Spire now drops Dark Jedi Apprentice robes
Sith Receptionist Force Persuade check now appears in all appropriate dialogue branches
Holdan's Force Persuade check now appears in all approriate dialogue branches
Janice's Force Persuade checks now appear in all approriate dialogue branches
Janice can now be Force Persuaded after failing the initial persuade check
Force Persuading Janice for a refund results in minor Dark Side Points
Bastila's dialogue in which she suggests you are Force Sensitive is now properly disabled
Carth will no longer refer to you as a non-jedi when arriving on Dantooine
The second door on the Endar Spire is now bashable with all weapons in all circumstances
Replaced duplicated Zhar line with a more appropriate alternative
Changed implementation of Carth dialogue adjustments, to prevent his dialogue from aborting if installed on top of an incompatible mod
Edits to Bastila, Carth, Juhani, and Bandon's dialogue have been redone. They are now fully scripted through the patcher and should be compatible with everything. The edits have been reduced to only the bare minimum needed to make the story make sense
Added Force Persuade options for Janice, Ajuur, Holdan, and the Sith receptionist
Added Apprentice robes from JC's Robe Adjustment mod. You get these instead of the Jedi robes from the old version. They are given instead of clothing in the starting locker. They have no defense bonus like clothing, but look like Jedi robes. They work with JC's Jedi Tailor mod. Zhar once again gives you a regular Jedi robe (now of a different color) once you finish the final trial
The level up menu is immediately brought up after choosing a Jedi class. This is similar to the behavior of the vanilla game, and hides a game crashing bug when accessing the powers list before leveling up in your Jedi class
Trask's Remains now disappear when fully looted. Improved positioning of Trask's corpse to prevent clipping
Cleaned up some cutscene scripts on the Endar Spire
The Sith Apprentice on the Endar Spire now wins the fight against the Jedi. You have to fight him with the Sith Troopers
Player is fully healed when they enter the second section of the Endar Spire, as they are no longer invulnerable, and will likely be at 1 health. The forced level up in the vanilla game normally prevents this, but because you won't level up until after the second section, this fix prevents you from dying immediately
Trask's Corpse once again uses his unique appearance, but is still lootable this time
Dantooine Training Sabers are installed into the module file instead of the override
Fixed compatibility with Android version
Fixed some potential problems with NPC overhaul
Workbench tutorials now removed for all workbenches
Removed Ebon Hawk Nav Computer Tutorial
Crattis Yurkal's dialogue is now edited to better conform to the story
Kotor 1 Restoration patch now includes K1R compatible version of Crattis Yurkal's edited dialogue
Core Features:

Rewrote entirely from scratch. All files have been re-extracted and had their edits reapplied in order to remove any unintended edits from earlier versions
A seperate mod called "Tutorial Remover" was created from these edits, and formed the base for this new version. It can be found on Nexusmods or Deadlystream. It is almost identical to "Jedi from the Start", but does not include any of the Jedi related functionality
The core feature set was re-evaluated, and all of the options related to clothing and appearance have been removed
All scripts have been recompiled to ensure they are working correctly. This sorted out many bugs, including issues with training on Dantooine, and with Trasks body
Files are now installed into Modules when possible, greatly improving compatibility

Feature List:
- Belaya, Deesra, and Zhar's dialogues have been tweaked slightly, to make them a bit more extensive and to remove unnatural transitions
- Zhar no longer gives the player a Jedi Robe after finishing the 3rd Trial. A Jedi robe (color depends on class) can be found in the footlocker in the players room on the Endar Spire
- Carth's dialogue on the Endar Spire no longer requires any responses, as they had become unnecessary
- The dialogue when exiting the Taris Appartment for this first time has been trimmed slightly to remove the tutorial message
- Rewrote Bastila's rescue dialogue to be more neutral in tone, and have a few responses to choose from
- Security door reduced to 1 hit point for the purposes of bashing. You shouldn't have to swing at the door more than a couple times now
- Bridge doors are now properly unlocked. You don't have to be holding a melee weapon to enter the bridge, and you don't have to be level 2 to leave.
- Trask's corpse converted into placeable. It doesn't look exactly like Trask anymore, but it actually works, and allowed all of his item to be transferred to his body. The Advanced Medpac he gives you can be found in the room with the footlocker, the container, and the remains now.
- The Workbench on Taris no longer has any dialogue pop-up, and immediately lets you access the upgrade screen
- The Lightsaber Training on Dantooine has had the weapon sounds removed, so that Zhar isn't overtaking by the humming of the Lightsabers
Removed Workbench Tutorial Dialogue
The door to test the Security Skill is once again locked, but can now be bashed as well, if that character lacks the Security Skill
Prepackaged Mobile version for easy installation on android devices
Carth correctly faces the player when entering the escape pod room
Trask's body is now above the floor
Compatible Juhani Dialogue for Kotor 1 Restoration
Starting Clothing is now optional, to help people having invisible player problems
Fixed cutscene height issues
Made starting room instructions more clear.
Fixed bugs with Trask's Corpse
Added commoner clothing as alternate clothing option, similar to KotOR 2
Added ceremonial robes from the endgame scenes as alternate clothing option
You can now be a Jedi at level 2 instead of 3
Default clothing will now be scout clothing for all classes, and council clothing is an optional file
You no longer need to talk to the door, and it is much easier to figure out what you are supposed to do
Fixed Carth, Bastila, and Juhani's dialogue regarding the player's base class
Fine tuned some changes
Made progression more balanced
Made process more obvious
All Class Combinations possible
Added starting clothes
Fixed outstanding issues on the Endar Spire
Completely removed Trask. The experience is now self directed and not bogged down by pointless dialogue.
Integrated Optional files into new installer.
Separated unique clothing for each class into an optional file
Changed Trask into a human to prep for next version
Cleaned up Zhar's training dialogue to remove inconsistencies and streamline the process, quickly getting you to the Juhani fight.
Fixed some inconsistencies in Carth and Bastila's Taris dialogue
Definitely quashed all remaining problems. Also added cool class clothing
Possibly fixed problems
Removed various files causing problems
The story has been streamlined quite a bit. The player is already familiar with most of the things Trask introduces, as most players who use this mod will be. Most information is glossed over in no detail.
Some redundant lines of dialogue dropped.
Lightsaber removal now 100% works properly.
Trask has had his power increased significantly to account for him being a Jedi Knight with a padawan.
Fight training now works. Bastila and The Player will fight with lightsabers.
New class selection system. Soldiers will become Guardians, Scouts; Sentinels, and Scoundrels; Consulars. This removed a lot of the forced dialogue at the beginning that was dragging down the dialogue. The story progresses quicker and makes more sense.
Remove saber works properly. (Actually it doesn't. Fixed in 0.9)
New portrait for Trask. Based of Trask's original portrait.
Items moved around again.
Zhar no longer gives you 5 robes.
Carth bug fixed itself ;)
Player and Bastila spar with lightsabers
Totally rescripted. Much cleaner and less invassive ;)
All dialogue rewritten.
Items shifted around.
Bugs fixed.
Too much too list.