More Relaxed Followers
Vanilla followers automatically go into sandboxing mode in friendly locations.
When visiting an inn, shop, someone's house, guild hall, temple, your human followers automatically go into sandboxing mode - instead of following you everywhere, they wander around, sit, sleep, use idle markers.
This mod affects only actors using the vanilla follower system. Mod-added followers, not respecting the follower quota, will need a patch.
For better effect, install mods adding more idle markers.
NOT compatible with Enderal SE.
When using a pre-1.6.1130 release of Skyrim SE, install Backported Extended ESL Support.
This mod affects only actors using the vanilla follower system. Mod-added followers, not respecting the follower quota, will need a patch.
For better effect, install mods adding more idle markers.
NOT compatible with Enderal SE.
When using a pre-1.6.1130 release of Skyrim SE, install Backported Extended ESL Support.