Realistic Roads
A simple asphalt retexture for those whose games lean more into "apocalypse" rather than "post-apocalypse".

Early on in Fallout 4 modding, Realistic Roads was a mod that changed the color and contrast of the roads in Fallout 4 in an attempt to mimic previous games. Today, the mod has evolved into a simple asphalt retexture for those whose games lean more into "apocalypse" rather than "post-apocalypse". With natural wear and a fine, sharp aesthetic, these roads are much more similar to what you may see on American streets in the current day. The mod is available in both 2K and 4K, with an optional ESP file for download should you not want to use the ESL format. It is recommended to pair this with other texture packs.

This will naturally conflict with anyone else trying to retexture the same thing. As always, use your head and sort your load order accordingly.

Drag and drop the contents of the mod into your game's "Data" folder,
and activate with the mod manager of your choice. Alternatively, install
directly through Mod Organizer 2.