Ham Radios Misc Stat and Challenge

Adds a repeatable challenge and misc stat for activating ham radios.
Simply adds a misc stat which increments when activating a ham radio, and a repeatable challenge that completes when you activate 10 ham radios, which works like the low xp challenges (50xp per 10 radios).

Note that only the first activation of a ham radio counts - you can't turn off and on a radio again to game the system. It also won't work retroactively, you'll have to go back and activate radios you activated before you installed this mod for them to increment the challenge and stat.

This was an idea that came to mind when I was thinking of a simple and vanilla-style way I could make ham radios useful for something. Make them a fun little collectible-type game. I activate every one I see anyway.

Requires JIP LN and JohnnyGuitar NVSE. Works perfectly with TTW and DLCs, no patches needed. Will conflict with mods that modify the ham radio record. Model changes are probably fine though.

Compatible with Tale of Two Wastelands, no patch needed.

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TTW Parking Meter Cash

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