ModPub Private Use License 1.0 Version 1.0 - September 2023 Preamble This ModPub Private Use License 1.0 ("License") is a legal agreement between you (the "Licensee") and the copyright holder(s) or author(s) (the "Licensor") of the Licensed Material. This license grants you the irrevocable right to use, modify, study, and retain the Licensed Material solely for private, non-commercial purposes, the irrevocable right to create and distribute Dependent Works, and it waives all warranties and liabilities associated with the Licensed Material. 1. Definitions 1.1. "Licensed Material" refers to the copyrighted material covered by this license, including all its source code, documentation, and any associated materials. 1.2. "Dependent Work" means any work usable only in conjunction with the Licensed Material, including but not limited to extensions, indirect modifications, compatibility patches, bug fixes, translations, adaptations and other works. 1.2. "Commercial Use" means any activity or purpose that involves the use of a product or intellectual property with the intent of generating a profit, financial gain, or revenue. This includes but is not limited to selling, distribution on platforms, offering monetary incentives in any form (such as donation points or payouts for downloads), providing only paid access, licensing, renting, or offering paid services. 2. Grant of Rights 2.1. Private Use: Subject to the terms and conditions of this license, the Licensor grants the Licensee an irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, modify, study, and retain the Licensed Material for personal use without distributing it to others. 2.2. Dependent Works: The Licensor grants the Licensee permission to make and distribute Dependent Works. 2.3. By using or retaining the Licensed Material, the Licensee agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions. If the Licensee does not agree with these terms and conditions, they must refrain from using the Licensed Material. 3. Limitations 3.1. Distribution of Licensed Material Prohibited: The Licensee shall not transfer the Licensed Material, its modified versions, or usable parts to any third party any way available, including but not limited to as part of a larger work, as binary patch, or in encrypted form. 3.2. Distribution of Dependent Works Allowed: The Licensee may distribute Dependent Works, created by The Licensee, provided that such distribution complies with the terms of this license. The Licensee agrees to provide appropriate attribution to the Licensor, giving credit to the original copyright holder(s) or author(s). 3.3. Commercial Use Prohibited: The Licensee shall not use the Licensed Material for any commercial purposes. 3.4. Release under Other License Terms: This license does not grant any rights to release the Licensed Material or modified versions under any other license terms. The Licensee may only retain and use the Licensed Material under the terms of this License. 4. Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability 4.1. No Warranties: The Licensed Material is provided "as-is," without any warranties or guarantees. This includes, without limitation, warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or the presence or absence of errors, whether or not known or discoverable. The entire risk arising out of the use, study, or retention of the Licensed Material or Dependent Works remains with the Licensee. The Licensor is not obligated to provide support or updates for the Licensed Material or Dependent Works. 4.2. No Liability: In no event shall the Licensor be liable for any damages, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) arising in any way out of the use or performance of the Licensed Material or Dependent Works, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. 5. Endorsement Disclaimer 5.1. No Implication of Endorsement: Dependent Works must not imply endorsement by the Licensor, and the Licensee shall take reasonable steps to prevent any such implication. 6. Termination 6.1. This license is effective indefinitely and can be terminated by the Licensee at any time by deleting all copies of the Licensed Material and any Dependent Works. 7. Severability 7.1. If any provision of this license is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.