
Home and Safehouse Tweaks
Fallout: New VegasAdds crafting stations and additional containers to several vanilla player homes.

Pause On Fast Travel (NVSE)
Fallout: New VegasA simple mod that will pause the game when fast traveling.

Mr. House Surrenders to the NCR
Fallout: New VegasMr. House will surrender to the NCR after destroying the Securitron Vault.

Legion and Powder Ganger Truce
Fallout: New VegasThe Legion no longer wipes out the Powder Gangers at NCRCF.

House and Followers Truce
Fallout: New VegasAllows you to convince the Followers to support Mr. House.

Vault 19 Powder Gangers Are Actually Powder Gangers
Fallout: New VegasTurns the escaped convicts in Vault 19 into Powder Gangers.

Brotherhood and Legion Truce
Fallout: New VegasAllows you to convince Caesar to spare the Brotherhood of Steel.

Lucky 38 Security
Fallout: New VegasSecuritrons will now shoot intruders when they enter the Lucky 38.

Friendly Strip Factions
Fallout: New VegasMakes the various Strip factions friendly after completing their respective quests.

Carry Your Weapons Into Casinos
Fallout: New VegasA simple mod that allows you to carry your weapons into the Strip casinos.